Indonesian looking for a good quality job in Netherlands

  • Hello,

    I'm Vivie; 28 years old; honest, motivated & fast-learner Indonesian female; looking for a receptionist job, front desk officer, babysitter, housekeeping in hotels, waitress in hotel or restaurant in Netherlands, any good quality work (with hopefully working visa offered).

    At the moment I reside in Jakarta, Indonesia and working as a secretary in trading company dealing with importing goods from abroad. Previously I worked as Purchasing staff for another trading company. Speaks & writes good english. The reason I wanna move to Netherlands is for a change in life and to be closer to my extended family. As I wanna learn Dutch language and so I will try hard to learn it by having the experience to speak with the locals and apply it in daily life. If you need more information or a CV, feel free to contact me via email or phone.

    Email : [email removed]
    Phone : +62 898-352-2928

    Thank you and I hope to getting a new job there soon, any job offer and helps is highly appreciated.

    Warmest regards,


    Vivie Rasjid 22 Jul 2009, 09:08 - Report
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