Work in Holland

  • Hello,
    My name is Lukas and am from Poland. I am looking for work in Holland for myself as well as for my brother and if possible one more friend so 2-3 people. We are (me)23, (my brother)27 and (my friend) 29 years old. To be honest we are looking mostly for anytype of general help any farm work anything that does not need qualifications. We are all hard workers come from small village in Poland. We are not afraid to work hard. Any help with finding employment would be greatly appriciated. We have a car and driver. The more work hours the better willing to work 7 days a week if neccecery. We do not have to work at the same employer. Living accomodations as well.
    I am living my cousins e-mail: [email removed]
    Thank you Thank you 

    Lukas Kaminski 07 Apr 2009, 03:47 - Report
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Need a job in Holland

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