Are Swiss Guys DIFERENT?


    19 Lug 2008, 04:00 Ann
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  • very different

    I always thought the swiss girls are ok. but the guys seem to be a lot more fun than the girls..

    that sounds weird, i'm a guy myself..
    they are just way cooler than the girls...

    my opinion..
    oh,- fyi: i'm straight, not gay...

    to ann 27 Lug 2008, 09:06 - Denuncia
  • PS

    By the way, even the swiss men complain about how difficult the swiss women are all the time, so imagine how the foreign men feel in this cold xenophobic narrow-minded shithole of a country.

    fuck schwiiz 28 Lug 2008, 12:20 - Denuncia
  • Swiss women

    Apperently they are "complex" according to Swiss guys. Man, they only got the vote in 1971. So I guess they don't understand the concept of "independant woman". They're a mystery to me, more than the average woman.. Still waiting to be invited to dinner after 4 years. Met a lovely Swiss lady this year, totally charming and special, but they prefer "their own" I feel. The conservatism is so inground. I have never before seen so many older, rich Swiss guys looking for foreign wives.. I get the sense there's a lot of "desparation. I think it's a shame.

    Anon 15 Set 2008, 01:56 - Denuncia
  • swiss guy

    I´m Brazilian and I know this swiss guy, he´s great and he was taken to me exactly because I spoke my mind and did what I wanted to do (which was have fun, fun, fun)
    so I guess swiss girls could be less uptight...

    swissay 02 Ott 2008, 10:12 - Denuncia
  • Wow!

    Thanks to all! I had the feeling men are different from woman cause when I was there I noticed girls are so reserved and weird...Ive never met such boring woman before contrast...guys are adventurous, fun...and extremelly hot hehe!!

    Ann 06 Ott 2008, 04:01 - Denuncia
  • Weird

    Thats true, i m a 28 y.o. swiss guy but i never had a swiss girl in my lifetime, italians, bosnians, germans, turks... never native swiss... weird, isnt it? ... most of them r intoverted and boring!

    Rico 08 Ott 2008, 10:00 - Denuncia
  • Swiss women are looking for money only !

    Through my experiances with swiss women , i can tell you they are only interested in receiving gifts and owning a house or a flat , swiss men suffer because their wifes are never satisfaied , 60% divorce :/

    Swiss 10 Ott 2008, 09:49 - Denuncia
  • untrue

    that's not true, as a male swiss guy friend told me is just that they are kind of selective...I had 3 swiss friends and amazingly they all had long time crushes on swiss girls , so you cannot generalize like that. What I think is that they are just a little frivolous in general and hard to please.

    untrue 19 Ott 2008, 07:31 - Denuncia
  • swiss women are boring

    swiss women are boring, arrogant and always unhappy. that's why all my girlfriends were always everything else (chinese, american, italian, spanish) than swiss. there's a saying in the canton fribourg: "cows in fribourg are more beautiful than fribourg women"

    swiss women suck 22 Ott 2008, 10:59 - Denuncia
  • Halfswiss woman upset with her own kind

    Hello im a New Zealander, with swiss ancestors, currently living in Switzerland. Ive been here 3 months and have only found friendships in guys. Im a outgoing crazy chick and the swiss woman here just dont do anything fun so im always hanging out with a group of guys!! Please swiss woman i dont want to put the ALL swiss women are boring title on you so prove me wrong!

    Shazzy 25 Ott 2008, 03:54 - Denuncia
  • Hillarious

    Ok, I've always been told not to flaunt my sexuality, but this was TOO GOOD to leave any of you out on this.

    I'm gay, deal with it, and I'll leave it at that. No blackmail for me because you can't see my picture, LOL! I work in a school for adults in Switzerland, and inevitably, we establish a closer rapport with some over others. So I got on particularly well with one young lady, who was very nice and mild-mannered. I had to pass the class onto another teacher because of a schedule conflict, and the student politely invited me for a drink since we hadn't been able to say good bye properly. As most of you can guess, I thought it was odd because no Swiss guy or gal had ever invited me out like that.

    Now, I'm no Don Juan (quite the opposite actually), but as we were talking, I felt like she was making certain suggestive expressions, if you know what I mean. I could have totally misinterpreted her, but something felt a little "premeditated" about that one. The poor girl. She's really nice, too. I'm hoping she'll put 2 and 2 together because we still e-mail.

    The point is this: There's hope for anybody, even the Swiss women.

    And now I gotta go and get some chocolate before work.

    imcuriousyellow 12 Nov 2008, 05:59 - Denuncia
  • true

    I've lived here years now, 8 in total, I get a lot of attention from women in general...when it comes to swiss women, i've found that they tend to be very insecure and selective. And here's the bite...when you do get to know one then you find out they're just boring. I'm very open minded and don't mean to be judgemental, but after 8 years of same sort of thing, you put two and two together. It's not just my point of view, rather it's from all the guys i know, myself and even some women...thats why the guys go else where to find love....good luck to all! i'm swiss by the way...

    angelo 25 Nov 2008, 11:01 - Denuncia
  • Thanks!

    Hahaha well...thanks for all this replies. I am impressed I am not the only one who noticed this! I am going back to Switzerland next week to meet my bf, cause right now I am in my I hope this time I can actually find a friend who is a woman...cause the last time I went there...they were so cold and weird...they looked at me as I was from another planet hihi. Anyways...I am happy my bf picked me, otherwise he has to put up with the weirdest woman in the world: swiss woman.

    Ann 07 Dic 2008, 06:26 - Denuncia
  • dont mistake bein reserved with arrogant

    No the problem is that people think swss girls are arrogant because we are not loud and annoying like americans. i am half swiss and half american and i can not stand the girls in america. everyone has to be the enter of attetion here its insane. swiss people are known to be reserved and one of the smartest. stop hating, switzerland is neutral and amazing.

    shan 19 Dic 2008, 04:19 - Denuncia
  • My goodness!!

    Hy everybody!!

    I am actually swiss(from Basel)!

    Well I think most of you just went at the wrong places for flirting! As you maybe already know, switzerland is quite small but you can have big difference in behaving from place to place in our country, well for sure we Swiss people are maybe not that easy going the first time you meet us... but once we know you a little be better we can be very warm hearted!
    Well what I wanted to say is that you shiôuld try to get a girl in Zürich for example (pople in general are haughty there) but go out more in the contry side like in a smaller city as Schhaffause for exemple! Or if you go in the French speaking part of switzerland (Lausanne or Neuchâtel... not Geneva, there you have the same problem like in Zürich) poeple are different again compared to the german speaker! And of course you have the italian part (Lugano etc) vere people are more easy going... you know the itlian touch!!!

    Try it out!!! and have fun!!

    nic 21 Dic 2008, 12:45 - Denuncia
  • Litauer

    I am a white guy from elsewhere in Europe. I was in Switzerland visiting my pen-pal women who were German in fact, not Swiss. One was quite sexy and adventurous and another one was a good cook, but quite boring and unhappy. Both were very hospitable. Germans are the best friends, I think! I have met some Swiss people who complained about my looks and about my clothes and I think Swiss people are somehow slightly rude, and shallow; you can get pushed or commented at in the street. I think they care about looks and clothes you wear a lot in CH. That surprised me. I found Switzerland lacking petrol stations and generally boring. Restaurants close early and are few places to have a nice dinner. The place we were at in Zuerich cost $70 per person for a smal dinner. Not a problem though. I much rather prefer Belgium or France or Germany. But don't get me wrong, Switzerland is a nice country, if you got money or a job and if you get used to it. Also Swiss business people seem not so interested in making a sale. Perhaps too lazy or tax cheating? Accept only cash. Very hard to find a place who accepts VISA in Switzerland. Otherwise Switzerland - ROCKS!

    Jonas 27 Dic 2008, 07:46 - Denuncia
  • mexican lady

    my daughter is going to get married with this exeptional, charming,friendly, hard worker,sweet, handsome,and responsable swiss guy, I´m mexican, and believe me I,ll never meet such a nice and lovely guy,he and her family really unique.

    isabel 07 Gen 2009, 10:14 - Denuncia
  • Swiss Ex-girl/boy friends- Norms

    I have been with my husband for over twenty years, and we have three kids. Prior to us he had a Swiss girl friend for maybe 5 1/2 years. The woman insists on keeping in touch with him. She is now married and has kids as well. This year she came to visit. She and her small children came about 4 days ahead of her husband and stayed at my house. And it just so happened that I had to be away for work most of those days, it did not feel good. I did not think anything of it, and I am not sure that I should think anything of it. But after they left I discovered that she and my husband had been communicating via e-mail quite often. I found that her letters were too familiar. She would demand that my husband writes to her quicker and that he answers all her questions. On one letter she suggested that they meet for a couple of days to talk about their experiences they had together. On another she asked if it was “possible” that they (her and my husband) communicated with each other more openly. My husband and I had gone to her wedding and there were 5 or 6 ex-boyfriends there all lining up with her for pictures. But her husband did not have any ex-girlfriends there. Since discovering these hundreds of e-mails I have communicated my displeasure to my husband and I think he understands my point of view. However my question is, is this normal for Swiss girls to stay friends and keep in close contact with their ex-boyfriends?

    Jo-Ann RB 28 Gen 2009, 02:54 - Denuncia
  • Ex-girl/boy friends

    Hi Jo-Ann

    I think it depends how the relationship ended but in most cases I know (myself and my swiss girlfriends) we keep in touch with our ex-boyfriends. But definitely not as intens as u described above. We go out for a drink or lunch a few times a year but that's it. Swiss ppl. are generally the opposit of superficial. Once we care about someone we do for the rest of our life, thats why our friendship last very long and are very hard to destroy. Same with relationships. As long as there is no really bad stuff happening, most ex-couples stay in touch and try to have kind of a friendship.

    a swiss 29 Gen 2009, 02:46 - Denuncia
  • Ex-girl/boy firiends

    "A Swiss", I agree with your response. Once or twice per year contact with Ex-girls/boy friends would be my expectation if a friendship still exist. Jo-Ann your situation - the exchange between your hunsband and his ex is very intense. I would not agree with that.

    Perplexed situation 05 Mag 2009, 02:51 - Denuncia
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