I am so upset!

  • My baby is coughing for several days during the Easter holidays. After the holiday, I called my family doctor, but he is busy, the appointment will be in next several days! I called others doctors that I found their name in the Website: CPSO.on.ca,the situation is the same: I have to wait for several days!Someone suggest me to go to hospital's emergency, but I experienced waiting there for 6 hours.I am really upset!

    18 四月 2006, 07:04 Anonymous
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  • welcome to Canada!

    the health care system in Canada is a joke

    Anonymous 18 四月 2006, 08:28 - 举报滥用
  • Yes it is...

    My suggestion would be to look for a walk in clinic. And yes, it is a joke...

    Anonymous 22 四月 2006, 11:21 - 举报滥用
  • Appreciation?

    Where else in the world can an unemployed, impoverished immigrant get free medical treatment. There are walk clinics at every corner, and if your babys' condition is critical, the triage nurse at the emergency room will place you in the appropriate queue order. Obviously, if you waited six hours, your need was not as great as others. How is the health care in your own country?

    Anonymous 01 五月 2006, 09:13 - 举报滥用
  • Appreciation!

    Bravo to the post above.

    Ungrateful freeloaders...

    Anonymous 15 五月 2006, 05:56 - 举报滥用
  • gratefeul for a system that challenges the Canadian constitution?

    I can't avoid putting my two cents here.
    Let's acknowledge something. The Canadian health care system is in crisis. It does not matter if you are an immigrant or a Canadian with 20 generations living in Canada. How is it possible that we need to accept a waiting list for normal screenen tests (i.e. MRI) that could be as long as six months? How come we must accept an ever reducing list of covered procedures by the health system? Can we tell the government to wait six months for our taxes to be collected????
    So, the universal health care system in Canada is not providing the basics of a democratic system to Canadians; and that is choice. If the government fails to provide timely health services, as a citizen I should have the right to seek for it elsewhere (i.e. private system). Banning the private practice of medicine is inconstitutional in a country that praises itself of being a defender of human rights.

    Anonymous 15 五月 2006, 11:51 - 举报滥用
  • Private Clinics in Canada

    For a convenient little directory or private clinics in Canada visit www.findprivateclinics.ca. They have it all my category, province and city.

    I thought i critical that i get an opinion on a breast lump asap. My doctors office said in 3 weeks. NO WAY

    I got it checked the next day blunk

    Anonymous 28 十月 2006, 05:23 - 举报滥用
  • Gyno in Canada

    yeah...i've used http://www.findprivateclinics.ca for my for a quick gyno exam. Very helpful.

    Anonymous 28 十月 2006, 05:26 - 举报滥用
  • Mein Mann musste8 Monate auf eine Gallenblasenoperation warten, woran er dann starb

    50 Jahre arbeitete mein Mann in Kanada.
    50 Jahre zahlte mein Mann Steuern in Kanada.
    Als er dringend in das Spital musste, war kein Bett fuer ihn frei. Er musste 8 Monate warten, dann war es leider zu spaet.
    vor einigen wochen hatte ich einen hausunfall. ich hatte mir den unterarm schwer verletzt. der gesamte arm war 5cm hoch geschwollen und schwarzblau.
    im spital wartete ich von 12.30 bis 7 p.m. als ich einen arzt zu sehen bekam, welcher das roentgen nicht lesen konnte.
    es war ein verlaengertes wochenende durch einen feiertag. man sagte mir, dass ein roentgenologe naechste woche das roentgen lesen wird und mir dann mitgeteilt werden wird, ob meine hand gebrochen ist oder nicht. in der zwischenzeit bekam ich einen verband und schmerztabletten.
    am freitag war ich im spital und am mittwoch erst teilte man mir mit, dass die hand nicht gebrochen war.
    weder im spital in salmon arm noch im spital in kamloops war ein roentgenologe anwesend, der mir bescheid haette sagen koennen.
    diese zustaende mache ich nichtmehr mit. die hygienestandards in den kanadischen spitaelern sind katastrophal.
    in der emergency spielen sich tragoedien ab.
    die bevoelkerung hier ist gestraft durch ihr nicht funktionierendes gesundheitssystem. viele sterben, da sie nicht rechtzeitig behandelt werden koennen. es fehlt an moderner technik.
    bitte lesen sie ueber die kanadischen verhaeltnisse im medizinischen bereich:

    klicken sie links in der rubrik "health" an
    und danach lesen sie den health care report (report 2006)
    sie werden staunen, was sie da alles lesen!
    fuer 1 million kanadier gibt es 1,8 magnetresonanz maschinen!!

    rae nixon, raenixon1@yahoo.de 10 六月 2007, 10:30 - 举报滥用
  • overhauling of health care

    Yes, We are all victims of a system going bad. Its time that the government sat up and noticed the freeloaders. The real needy are overlooked and as a result they are suffering. We need an open forum where suggestions can be made how the Canadian government can strengthen the Health care system .

    True 17 六月 2007, 09:14 - 举报滥用
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