
  • Where in Dubai I can find good pediatrician

    23 Okt 2008, 10:08 Marina
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  • Re Pedetrician

    Dear Marina,
    I would strongly recommand you Isis french pediatric clinic owned by Dr.Nawar Tayara Sayed In Deira based In dubai healthcare city.
    please find the phone number hearbelow.
    [email removed].
    happy new year

    Louisa 01 Jan 2009, 07:16 - Verstoß melden
  • searching for a pediatrician

    my child is 5yrs old and coughs now and then very badly. he had suck amniotic fluid during his birth.if it has any relation to his cough please let me know.

    yogita 15 Jul 2009, 03:17 - Verstoß melden
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