student visa - urgent

  • Hello.
    I am from India and I am applying for UK student visa in a few days. Can anyone pls tell me the implication of showing intention to work in the UK?

    19 Aug 2008, 07:08 Dee
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  • finances for student visa


    Well I'm indian too and studied in the uk a few years back. There isnt any harm in showing intention to work in the uk as long as you specify that you will work within the allotted hours...20 hours a week it was atleast.

    Though the money will help you, i suggest that you show sufficient money for tuition and atleast 3 months comfortable living expenditure for your visa appl. I was advised tht payin half of my tuition would strengthen my appl...i did nothing of the sort, i just paid the min down payment to secure my place and showed whatever assets my father had. I got the visa in the 1st try without an interview

    AB 29 Aug 2008, 07:01 - Verstoß melden
  • Do not show that you want to work in UK

    you see the whole process is getting harder and harder i think you shouldnt show any intension of that you want to work in UK

    Dijana 01 Sep 2008, 11:48 - Verstoß melden
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