Hotel Reception

  • Hello my name is Kofi Kadebane
    I am a self-motivated, trustworthy, loyal, friendly, honest, studious, intelligent and intelligible individual. I take great pride in all I do keeping in mind that safety should always be priority. I have a positive attitude and outlook on life and am a strong believer in service with a smile. I enjoy seeing people smiling especially when I am the reason for that smile. I am not looking for a job but a career with a company or organization with which I can develop a long-term relationship and become a key team member/asset while climbing the industrial ladder to success. To your company I can bring my personal experience, professionalism, hard working attitude and knowledge while maintaining customer satisfaction and gaining profit for the business if it is part of my job description.
    Please contact me by phone +79602350068 or mail box: [email removed]

    Kofi 12 Aug 2008, 01:51 - Verstoß melden
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