3+ Yrs experience Electronic Engineer seeking sponsorship to work in Australia

  • I am a man aged 27 and completed an Honours degree in Electronic Engineering at The National University of Science and Technology (NUST)(Zimbabwe) in 2005. I have been working at Tel*One (the only landline operator in Zimbabwe) as an Access Network Planning Engineer. My job involves planning and implementing the fixed telephone network as well as monitoring the performance of the wireless CDMA network. I have been working in this organization for 3 years.

    I possess good interpersonal skills, have good analytical skills and am able to adapt to new environments.

    My email address is [email removed] and my contact numbers are: +263 91 2491 454 and +263 4 798 111. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Charles K. Zengeni 28 May 2009, 12:41 - Report
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Looking for a sponsor

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