tolerance of Americans and French

  • I have to reply to article 'very bad experience with the French'. I do currently live in Paris, France and I also lived in US. I do definetely agree that most of Parisians are very rude and arrogant people. I don't think that the reason is their nationality; big city makes people that way. New-Yorkers are the same way. I am originally from Slovakia and had to learn English from the scratch as well as I am learning French now. Have to disagree a bit with attitudes that Americans project onto foreigners when someone tries to learn English. Yes, you are being helpful and somehow appreciative that someone is trying to learn English, but on the other hand you are also being abusive and manipulative and I have been taken advantage of many times. I had had experiences with American people where instead of being given credit I was put down or made feel stupid. The thing is that most American people speak only English and have no idea what it takes to learn another language, therefore, you ask many times whether we understand you, talking slowly whithout realizing it that you are actually underestimating our intelligence. I've also known Americans who instead of correcting me efficiently laughed at my mistakes and accent or just simply ignored it whithout making any effort to help me to be better at it. Other thing that I experienced was when someone purposely used very difficult vocabulary in order to make themselves superior, when in fact reality is that they must be inferior because deeply down they envy my courage. Anyhow, I've also met nice Americans that were genuinely helpful and happy for me and gladly provided me with their explanation. When it comes to arrogance of French, I somehow agree but disagree at the same time. It's all up to individual. I do make effort to speak French and I met many people who were happy to see that someone is trying to learn their language. Of course I also met people who are rude and inconsiderate and make you feel down for not knowing enough. In these cases I ignore them and speak Slovak to them in return so they know how it feels. People in general need to learn how to be more patient and considerate no matter what your nationality is. Good luck to everyone who is learning new language in foreign country. Hopefully you meet mostly nice people and those who are not keep them at the arm's lenght and don't let them influence you in negative way. There is always something to be learned even from bad experiences. Bon courage a tous!

    Alena 06 Apr 2009, 12:58 - Report
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French people are rude?

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