Distant, inflexible & Selfish Volks

  • i like german landscape, people and bear. you read it right but i'm sorry to say based on my 2-years experience of living in germany with my brown skin that german folks are very distant, inflexible & selfish.
    "distant" coz i believe if you put them in one room with a foreigner after one year they wouldn't even know his f***ing name. the same thing you wouldn't need a minute for with e.g. pakistani/indians/americans.
    "infelxible" coz they love to do every single thing in the most complicated way possible. you'll hear things that can be explained in one sentence in the simplest way as a whole page.
    "selfish" coz if there's a woman being rapped in a train no body would even say a f***ing word coz they just want to focus on their business & it's none of their business. i've always felt sorry for people who were really in trouble in germany and nobody really gave a shit. and i believe this selfishness is caused coz of coldness in their blood.
    i, a fluent german speaker have been ignored so many time by people coz of my accent and coz of my skin color. so don't get shocked even if you speak the language, you'll find the german mann/frau at a reception desk looking at other german looking friend at your side while dealing with you coz you just don't exist coz you got a different accent/color.
    you wouldn't believe it but it's true, nobody took us in a bar in cologne on karnival night because we were not dressed crazy. after 11 bars we succeded to get in one & after a couple minutes i saw security guy taking drink off my turkish friends hand and i couldn't stop myself asking what the hell was going one. no reason, he said, "ihr passt nicht hier" means you don't pass here. which of course turned my mind the upside down & i even called the cops who refused to come coz it was something that they said they would come for!!! anywayz i managed to get money back & everybody heard that racism still exist on a huge scale in thsi country. the funny part is my turkish friend would insist on walking away from there just like that but we people live and die with dignity & we prefer one day life like a lion to 100-years life like a hiding fox. i didn't agree with my turkish friend & thats why we got our entrance money back at least. later i told my friend the reason why racism is being fueled up in germany, and the reason is not reacting on it. one the other hand i can understand with poor turks, they got no back and forth, means can't accept to go back to turkey coz they're 3rd generation here & can' just get fed up & say i go live in the us or uk coz it would mean a new language, a new society for them, so they keep their mouth shut. a person like me who has live in 5-different countries and speak 7-international language a& got back & forth just can't take this bullshit & thats why i reacted on it.

    Shahjeeeee 08 Feb 2008, 01:16 - Report
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germany sucks

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