Germany is still our enemy

  • When the media releases a story about a pedophile or murder who is released from jail after not serving enough time then recommits his crime there is usually some public outcry right? Now we might debate what the proper sentence for a crime is, but generally with premeditated murder most nations agree that the sentence should be sever.

    Germany, under two different regimes is directly and singularly responsible two of the greatest human tragedies in history by starting the First and Second World Wars. Yet how were they punished for this? Much of the damage done to stop their terror was repaired by the same people that fought for their lives against them. Many of those companies and their executives like Mercedes Benz, who directly contributed to our enemy's war effort were never punished at all and have been allowed to profit from their crimes.

    The past is the past right? Wrong. There is clear evidence that Germany supported Croatia's war effort. There is no way operation Storm could have been successful with German marks. Germany's blood deal to support the Euro in return for the EU's support for Croatia's independence is what caused the bloody war in Yugoslavia.

    Those football stadiums full of scramming Nazis were not held there at gunpoint. The German people are culpable for a great deal of suffering. The fact that the most they have done about their guilt is to create long words about it shows how little they actually feel. Their constant meddling shows where they want to go. It is too bad we could not have settled up with Stalin and let him and his way with them. Perhaps more mercifully, they should have been divided into their pre-WWI borders. Our father's dropped the ball, as so many parole boards do, it is we who are forced to live with the consequences. At least we can take heart in the fact that for all the hype about Germany, history is against them when it comes to winning wars. Even the French (Napoleon) managed to rather soundly whip them and they were thoroughly trounced in WWI and again WWII. I only hope that when we give it too them again, we do not hold back a third time.

    To address a couple of the above comments...

    Just as the P51 proved fighter and the T45 a better tank - I'll put my faith in my Desert Eagle over that tiny Luger.

    I am sure Germany is a beautiful place, but that beauty is marred by an evil past. I am equally sure there are some intelligent and kind people who live there - but they have never paid the price for crimes they have benefited so much from.

    As for the Turks and Jews in Germany suppressing its healthy nationalism- if they stopping Germany from engaging in another war against civilization than they are doing their ungrateful host an enormous favour given its tack record on military success.

    Boycott Germany now! 20 May 2008, 06:05 - Report
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germany sucks

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