Sticks and stones

  • How exactly would my, or anyone for that matter, visiting Germany change the fact that its people are responsible for two major wars and probably the dark ages as well? Would I get a discounted hotel rate because my country gave up thousands of its young men to defend its freedom against this hostile nation? Would I get a free meal because my mom had to ration food and supplies at home for the war effort? Would I get a rental car because my nation still has debts from arms it needed to build to fight a war you started? More importantly, how would that change the fact the current, well mannered and kind population of Germany has not paid reparations that any vandal would be responsible for even under Germany's own civil code? In fact, paid anything that anyone with any kind of moral character would feel responsible for? No, these fun loving, kind and wonderful people are happy to take handouts with no intention of paying them back or even acknowledging them. No, this reformed nation, as it likes to call itself, is satisfied to write books and plays about its feelings of guilt. Interestingly, most of its guilt seems to be with respect to the holocaust. The German government has seen it fit to start erecting cemeteries to its heroes in places like Latvia. Proof that it really has no feelings about the millions of other innocent people it killed trying to stop it from its insane desire to conquer the world.

    The comment above about freedom is not really complete, freedom means to have war? Sometimes wars are needed to defend freedom yes. I could see why there might be some confusion here- German's don't get the connection between freedom and war the way the rest of the world does. They see war as only a means to take freedom from others. So while the rest of the EU, and nations like Canada, Australia and others were trying to stop a tragedy in Yugoslavia, Germany was supplying Croatia's holocaust denying government with arms to murder Serbs and muslims.

    As for the moron's from Texas, they have twice defeated Germany in combat by building better equipment, fielding better troops, better officers and being better disciplined soldiers. So if Texas is full of morons I wonder how one would characterize Bavaria? I will grant America has done some nasty things (particularly to First Nations people), but nothing on the scale of sacking Rome, starting two global wars, or the holocaust. Given the choice, my travel dollars are going into the USA where at least I know they will not contribute to an enemy's war chest.

    As for being jealous, I am not sure where that might have come from. The most interesting part of German history was when it was being beaten by Caesar. Its rebirth after the war was due to handouts - it could not have done it on its own so there is nothing to be impressed about there. Its energy policy is designed to give its architect a comfortable pension from a Russian oil company. The Japanese make better cars. The Italian's make better wine. Every body but the English make a better supper. Okay they've got a good football team and decent opera - but nothing worth missing and certainly no cause for jealousy (I'll go back to Brazil to watch football and to Hungry for the opera or the UK for both).

    Now was there a suggestion in there that I was a yank? You should play nice - if you have to result to name calling your position can't be that strong. Face it. Germany belongs to the Axis of Evil. Don't buy things made in Germany and don't visit there. Germany's lack of initiative to reimburse the allied forces and victims of the holocaust is proof its people have not reformed. If you're a German citizen your nation is guilty of some horrible crimes of which the holocaust is but one part. You stole generations of our boys, emptied our banks, forced our people to ration food and supplies- for what? Because your parents wanted to take over the world. Think about that. That is crazy stuff. Your country wanted to rule the entire planet and as a result two entire generations suffered. Your nation is in a position to start paying back some of those debts. Those people you call morons saved you from the Russians who were justifiably irked at your attempt to exterminate them. Your father invaded their country and killed 2,000,000 of them. Called them genetically inferior. Were it not for those you so openly insult, there would have been no Berlin Wall because there would have been no Berlin airlift. There would only have been a long forced march to Siberia. If you were born after the war know that you would have been born into crushing poverty and life as an outcast - your people deserve that fate. Because your government lacks the moral character to repay its debts, you as an individual who have received profits from Germany's crimes (even if you did not participate directly in those crimes) should consider paying a portion of that money back through donating to allied veteran's funds and charities. Justice will be served in time.

    Boycott Germany 21 May 2008, 08:55 - Report
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germany sucks

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