USA is parasite of this world

  • US is full of jew leeches greedy for money and oil, who also caused the world financial crisis we´re in right now ...

    But white american people need to consume more, so that their huge asses grow even bigger. That´s why they wage and support an illegal war in the middle east. It could be anybody else tomorrow. American troops are made up of antisocial lower elements of society who cant get a job in the US and lost their homes because of the mortgage crisis.

    US and its allies are the cancer that plagues this world. They´re fighting against "problems" in the world that they caused by themselves in the first place.

    The amerciacans, who post on this site, are all ugly hypocrites. That´s because they all descend from genocidal sons of bitches.

    rebel yell 17 Jul 2008, 11:46 - Report
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