
  • Hey Karla,

    I think its not the right forum here to ask this question. this forum is totally not objective because u have the possibilty to write wiv different identities.

    Look at the different threads equal of germany, france, uk, swiss, italy....
    its full of racist judgments. The most aswers r written by one persons or by sick persons who believe in political groups which hates Europe, Germany and believe that the helocentrism is an atheistic doctrine.

    for the last time the only one who criticised Germany in an ambitious way was "ronniesneffe" but not every fact is right.

    I cannot speak spanish really well but I noticed that the spanish threads r more differentiated. There was also a girl who wrote the applicable sentence - "Everybody loves their country and this we have to respect. Try to act in respect and the doors r open in europe."

    Please, follow this fact and don´t be interacted by so much intolerance of some guys here .

    The best way is to talk wiv people and makin your own experiences. And please, don´t be so sensitive because its Germany. Often made bad a bad experience also because of their character and project it directly on Germany and the history. Don´t make this mistake.

    I can give u the advice that u have to learn some sentences in the native language. For Germany for example....

    - Guten Tag
    - Auf Wiedersehen
    - Können Sie mir helfen?
    - Wo ist....
    - Ich bin aus Mexiko.

    It´s the same like in every country. For example in France really try to speak french. They don´t really like to speak english because they r ashamed to speak english wiv their accent as well as they have some prejudices regarding the british people.

    Show the gesture of goodwill and u r welcome in every country.

    Concluding... iam also a foreigner in Germany and my girlfriend is from portugal. We have never bad bad experiences in Germany.

    So enjoy Berlin. It´s one of the most creative and alterable metropoles of the world. If u want to see more I can give u the advice to visit for example...

    Münster, Trier, Dresden, Heidelberg, Aachen, the Loreley, the Allgaeu....


    flyindutch 17 Jun 2009, 04:06 - Report
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germany sucks

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