im looking for mrs. Imka roffel or roffel¨¨s family

  • my mother mother has been working with them around
    ninety years, but when mr. roffel passed away. the family cameback to amsterdam and we lost the contact with them.

    mrs. roffel has two daugthers; aniemiky and linda, and a son too, his name is zwitser or fersie i dont how can i write the name.

    but i need to know about them, they are really important for us.
    my name is yany and my parents name are aquilino and bartolina. we live in dominican republic.

    if you know something about roffels family please, write me to: [email removed] or [email removed]


    Yanie Reyes 27 Jun 2009, 05:22 - Report
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