Spanish for German (Spanisch-Deutsch Tandem)

  • Hello I'm costarican and I speak german and english.. if you are interested about exchanging some experiences through the languages practice, don't hesitate to contact me!

    [email removed]

    best wishes,

    15 jul 2008, 01:38 Juan
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  • Spanish for German

    Hello Juan,
    i am from Berlin and i speak english, german (of course), french and am just now (trying to) learn spanish. I would like to exchange email, you could practice your german si quieres & i could answer in spanish - was meinst du? I'd like to know everything about Costa Rica. Gruss, Regine

    Regine 27 ago 2008, 11:39 - Denunciar
  • ooops - spanish for german

    Sorry, forgot to give my email:
    [email removed] 27 ago 2008, 11:40 - Denunciar
  • Das ist aber eine gute Idee....

    Falls jemand noch bock hat, einem Costaricaner zu schreiben, meine email-adresse lautet: [email removed]

    Alex 11 nov 2008, 05:52 - Denunciar
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