looking for work as a designer

  • Hi, I'm industrial designer from barcelona, spain, I'm looking for a job in new york city as a graphic, or industrial designer. if someone is interested in me please make me know. My e-mail is: [email removed]

    11 mar 2009, 01:35 marc gonzalez guardia
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  • Hi marc

    It's funny, I googled "indian and italian fusion" and arrived to this forum, and now i enjoy sharing my story. First of all, forget NY. It's a bad place, full of smoke. Went there last year and started to hate it ever since.
    No, you want LA. Sun, fresh air, lovely girls... happy
    Anyway, wanted to tell you about me. I am 29 years old, a chef in an italian restaurant, and I work here and live here because my wife and I won a green card a few yeas ago. 4 years, I think, maybe 5. Never mind. I tell you, man, it changed our life!
    You should try and win the green card lottery, which is totally free. Those american guys just want people to come and live here... go figure. happy
    Anyway, this is the lottery website: http://www.state.gov/
    And this is a site that helps you register to the lottery (it's a lot of complicated english and forms...). It costs a little money, but they are the ones that helped me and my wife: http://www.usafis.org/_sys/?af=tagm
    And this is another site that helps with the register (also for some money, and i didnt raelly check it): http://www.usagcs.com/
    Good luck finding a job in the US, man!

    Tommy Alf 19 mar 2009, 09:05 - Denunciar
  • job

    can you help me to fins a job in NYC, in manhattan¿¿¿

    marc 25 mar 2009, 06:38 - Denunciar
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