Help from spouse visa to settelment

  • hello, i am married to a british citizen who has been ill and out of work from the time before we met. I was granted a spouse visa which expires next month. Now we have to apply from the UK and i was reading the application which asks details of earning and if my husband is getting public funds etc...WHAT DO I DO? WHAT DO I SAY? Will the fact affect my application? I have been working all the time and i am also studying and we both have a healthy savings and no debts. will that count something? In addition we live in a flat which was assigned at the time to him by the council. However he is planning to go back to work even with his illness if necessary for my visa. Is that necessary? I NEED TO KNOW ASAP WHAT SHOULD WE DO...DOES ANYONE HAVE A SIMILAR EXAMPLE OR EXPERIENCE ON THIS MATTER? YOUR INPUT IS MORE THEN WELCOME. THANK YOU

    EMMA 13 ago 2008, 10:28 - Denunciar
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Spouse Visa

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