Wife visa as dependent

  • First I want to give you my most sincere congratulations for the magnificent work and help that you have been doing with each of the people who like me need advice or legal advice in matters of immigration.

    I am from Ecuador, married (28 yo), I am here in London with a student visa which started in March 13, 2007 and ends in March 2008.
    Currently I am working 20 hours which are authorized with a monthly income of £ 650, oo, I live with my sister (married to a Swedish guy).

    I am going to apply for extension visa for at less three years more, but I would want to my wife who is currently in Ecuador could be here with me.
    So I would be very grateful if you can answer me this question, :
    Can my wife apply as a student too? or Should she do it with dependent visa?

    We also have some small income from a house and a small shop that we have leased in Quito, Ecuador with a monthly income of $ 550 = £270

    I hoping to get a very helpful answer .
    [email removed]

    11 ene 2008, 10:24 Again
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  • hello

    hiya. how u doing? i m on study visa here in uk. could u plz tell me wat type of documents r required to bring my wife n kid as dependents?

    imran 18 ene 2008, 07:39 - Denunciar
  • Required Documents for Dependends of international student in uk

    hiya. how u doing? i m on study visa here in uk. could u plz tell me wat type of documents r required to bring my wife n kid as dependents?


    [email removed]

    imran 18 ene 2008, 07:40 - Denunciar
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