
  • First at all thanks for everyone who is giving me an answer( I didn't
    expect it and you are behaving like gentlemen) and yeah Flyindutch Ill add u in Skype =)!!!!!!!
    Second eeeh I just didn't get some things and I don't want to break my head... thinking..
    I just want to go direct to the point...
    So what does it mean "Being female might be yout greatest assest overall..."
    that sounded strange... I mean I don't want to do any conclusion so Ill wait ur answer..
    and about..
    I wish you a great trip. Extra-Tip: Advertising the fact that you are Mexican & JUST VISITING could improve your experience
    I mean why the JUST VISITING is in Mayús ha ha, is it forbidden to stay there?
    Actually I have some germans friends from my highschool, I dated one of them for half a year and we were cool all the time,
    obviously we had our culture problems...anyways...
    He is going to take me to some parts in Germany now that I go and almost all the time, he says he wants me to stay in there...
    so you are saying if I do u will hate me?
    I never had a purpose to go anywhere I mean, I travel because I can and want(I am on vacations!) plus Germany is the last country I am going to go,
    there are people who is totally happy with the enviroment
    that is around, I am mexican but I have a great life and thank God a good family that supports me, but if I want to try another thing
    like staying there, should i be ashamed? I don't think learning a language is that difficult, actually I love german and japanese, but
    since english is more important in here and I live in a small place I couldn't study it yet. I use to visit some things online, though.
    I am just saying... I just want your opinon.
    I hate when all in here make everything general and sometimes including me!
    But being marked as a country is like being a cow.. burned.. yeah it sounds stupid and maybe what I am saying doesn't have anything to do
    with this discussion, because honestly a lot of things that you said are pretty complicated hehehe...
    But... there are a lot people, honest, hardworker and that don't need anything else for others...
    ALL OF US are different... theres good, bad or stupid people in every country...


    Karla 24 juin 2009, 02:23 - Signaler un abus
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germany sucks

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