• @Karla: Germans are sometimes known for their hate & anger. I was trying to give you tips to get you the opposite.

    Girls are more easily accepted as strangers. No one is threatened. Young, pretty girls are often very popular (school, parties, discos, etc.). The people we meet on vacation know us superficially. What's one of the most basic things we identify when we see someone for the first time? Gender. As a light brown young woman you will be much more accepted by the majority than a Black or Arabian man.

    There is often racial & cultural tension between Germans & Arabic people (especially Turkish). Many Germans cannot tell the difference between similarly looking races/nationalities. Presumably you are a light brown girl with dark hair. To the "average" German...without any additional clues (language, culture specific clothing, Mexican money)...would look at you & think you were Turkish (or Arabian). Making it obvious for an adult with a 9th grade education (a dummy) or one who's never seen a non-stereotypical Mexican can help you avoid confusion. You also don't want to mistakenly be the recipient of "Anti-Turkish" sentiments.

    If everyone thinks/know that you are just on vacation then you won't be confronted by very uncomfortable invasive questions. There are people who might feel threatened by "yet another" foreigner moving here. Many Germans are uneducated on immigration specifics think that EVERY foreigner receive large subsidies from the Government. This is of course false. SOME asylum seekers receive assistance, but it's not enough for anybody to reasonably live on & you wouldn't let your dog sleep in the horrible places the state has for asylum applicants. Some Germans are just generally nationalistic & don't appreciate foreigners of any kind. Many people are threatened by people who want to settle in Germany. "Will they have kids?", "How should they afford to stay here?", "Who's job will they take?", etc.. Many Germans operate under a "lack mentality". They think that there is not enough to go around. If you work then that means that there is a German out of work. Now you might be a double Dr. in Immunology & Micro biology...you're not stealing that job from anyone...you'd actually be replacing one of the countless top scientists who leave Germany every year for other countries. Many Germans regret that the Government invited workers (Turkey, Poland, Italy, etc.) to come rebuild after the war & were quite shocked to learn that these people wanted to then settle here & have families. Accordingly Germany has (like any other country with immigrants) growing racial & cultural problems. Being conspicuously Mexican & visiting keeps you from being caught up in these issues.

    When you visit, try to notice the number of Germans over 25 who laugh in public or are smiling. You might be able to count them on one hand during your two week stay. The average German is not happy with his/her life & IS DOING NOTHING TO IMPROVE IT! If you are happy (that you are alive for example) it only draws more attention to the fact that they are not. There are those (if you were living here as a student/resident) who would dislike you for no other reason than your life is "good".

    Many Germans have a "mentality of lack" when it comes to personal wealth & prosperity. If you have 1000 Euros to spend, that means that there are 1000 less Euros to be had & is cause for panic & jealousy. If you come on vacation & you "appear" wealthy, there are those who will be very jealous of you. This jealousy is not hidden & is very common. If you have money to spend (expensive new dress, watch, bag, etc.), unless you want to hear someone micro-manage or criticize how you spend YOUR money...don't do it overtly. Self-indulgence is looked upon poorly...because that something that people do when they're happy & enjoying their life (see above). I have Mexican relatives & they celebrate life to the fullest.

    Come. Have the time of your life. Just be aware of what attitudes you might meet & be prepared. Forewarned is fore-armed (if you know what you are up against, you can be better prepare...whatever happens)

    I sincerely wish you the best.


    ronniesneffe 25 juin 2009, 01:08 - Signaler un abus
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germany sucks

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