Average Salary as on today

  • Petrol prices are going up and up as well and general items too. What is the minimum salary for a person to survive in uae should be ?

    06 juin 2008, 12:05 Usmaani
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  • Salary structure

    what would be a senior managerial salary with 13 years person

    Derick 13 juin 2008, 05:37 - Signaler un abus
  • what field?

    it could be 10k aed or 60k aed depending on your field. in all, dubai is very expensive, mainly bec of rents. make sure you negotiate well with the employer. if they provide rent, you should be set with a 10-20k salary. many are comfortable making that amount

    sunil 01 fév 2009, 06:57 - Signaler un abus
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