Clerical or Sales Job at duabai and VISA

  • I Sri Lankan, 32 years old I am finding job at dubai clericale or sales field at Dubai My qualifications is Sri Lankan.Higher School studies G.C.E A/L 4 Credit passes and 10 years experince as Multi Dusty clerk at PC GLOBE SYSTEMS (PVT) LTD., one of the leading Computer Parts selling company at Sri Lanka any Sir/madam please find and send me the all deatils and VISA for my self
    any further information please contact Fathima Sarfas
    e-mail [email removed] and my Home address, 18/3 Makola South, Makola, Sri Lanka, Still i didnt get the pass port becose i have big financial problem most probly next week i am getting my pass after i will send copy of the pass port and other deatils.

    my telephone number: 094-0724701088

    Fathima Sarfas 02 fév 2008, 05:31 - Signaler un abus
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