i wana continue my Education in BBA from Afg to NL is it posible ?

  • hello
    MY name is mir mashouqullah studying BBA(Bachelore of Business Administration)as a 5th smester student in a international university(kardan university)in kabul afghanistan.and becaue that my wife is living in netherland i wana continue my education over there in NL so just i wana know is it posible to transfer ,my credit of studying in here to one of the international university in NL and continue my Education over there in BBA or any feild Like IBMS nd stuff which is som howe near to my Field???????? thanks for your soon response and my contact mail is: [email removed]
    and [email removed]

    Miir mashouqullah Sayedi 15 feb 2009, 09:16 - Rapporteer misbruik
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