Living cost in Germany

  • I thought of sending you my question in hopes I receive some answers.

    Am lebanese, who will start very soon learning German Lang., I have 7 yrs of experience in sales/marketing and commercial management. I may be moving to Germany next year (after getting married to German).

    I have fears of not being able to accomodate to living standards there, especially that I may find difficulties in finding a job. My finace earns around 2000 EUR. he thinks this is enough for a couple to live and then when we have children this will improve.
    I trust what he said, but the fact that we have different backgrounds, maybe what comforts him wouldn't do the same for me. I needed an objective advice. Do you think we can live moderately with this salary till the time I can find a job?

    I appreciate a lot your reply.

    30 Сен 2004, 12:16 Anonymous
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  • Be conformed

    Dear Dima,

    Concerning your question, be conformed: With 2000 EUR you can live moderately well in Germany. This a working-class-salary (comparative to the salary of a bus driver) which allows you to live decently as a couple, although you will definitely not belong to the "upper class" (however, you need to consider that a "working class salary" in Germany probably means a very different living standard than in Lebanon).

    Of course, your living standard will also depend on the region you're living in. If you live in Munich or Cologne, 2000 EUR will allow you to live in a small apartment only. In cities like Berlin, you can live in an 80 sqm apartment with this money and will still have sufficient funds for further expenditure.

    If you get children, you will also receive "Kindergeld", a state subsidy for children. However, if you look for a job, it's probably better to start working before getting children, as this will be better for your employment perspectives and will allow you to profit from the generous protections for young employees with children afterwards.

    Consider that the definition of a living standard is quite subjective. Many well educated people from countries such as the Lebanon are used to belonging to the "upper class" of society. This will not be the case in Germany for you (in fact, this is only the case for VERY few people). However, in terms of economic security, you will have no problems at all in Germany.

    Anonymous 30 Сен 2004, 12:22 - Report
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