italian banks

  • Even better: Find out if any banks in your home country have partners with the italian banks. Ive been here for some time now, and to be quite frank, italian banks are useless. If you want to be paying approximately 35euro a month to have an account, and want to have money "disappearing" from your account on a monthly basis (roughly 100euro a month!!!!), where no one knows where it has gone, open up an account here.

    Keep in mind, this account for non-eu citizens is always an international account, so any transfer from your account to another cost 23 euro, and the same 23 euro for anyone to deposit into your account.

    Also costs you 30euros to CLOSE your account.

    Bancoposte is useless. The italian post is the worst in the world....and you want them to deal with you money...???

    M 12 Jan 2008, 12:31 - Verstoß melden
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moving to italy

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