Why Costa Ricans are so caotic?

  • Hi!
    I am Costa Rican that has spend a few years in and out of the country...
    I never realized how we where in that matter until I experience other cultures, but you are absolutely right about the way you feel...this is why we have the famous phrase "tico time", This is the way we are...no matter how upset you are about, is not going to change, you have to learn how to deal with it...is like we are in our own time for everything.Gets really frustrared when you are trying to get things done!
    Costa Rica is an amazing country but we have to much burocracy going on. This is why not everybody cant handle to leave here...we are all the oposite to New York time.
    I dont think is right but is the true. I cant not even give you reason of why we are like that...a combination of culture, history, weather, ect.

    Key 11 Nov 2007, 10:42 - Report
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Why are Costa Ricans so chaotic??

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