germany sucks

  • it is over, Germany is full with nazis, and the east germany sucks.
    It is ugly (not all), dirty and the ppl always sad... (not everybody but a 95% YESSSS)
    i cant understand them, why can´t they enjoy the life???

    Sorry but germany sucks.

    11 Mar 2007, 02:10 new york man
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  • Jim

    YOU ARE GERMAN!And your name is not Jim.Do you really think that you can blind people?Find a better way to spread your damn opinion!

    Greetings from an immigrant in Germany!I have a "Migrationshintergrund".Isn't that great?

    occupation 09 15 Jan 2009, 04:53 - Report
  • Hello and especially SX from GB

    I´m german y I have already been in the USA.

    I was shockes about the situation that many blacks , Latins and white people build separate groups. And I also heard very often the word Nigger. So I got to know racism the as well. An dyou can find this phenomeno all over the world not only in germany.

    To the comments of SX:

    Yoe think that the economy is build on revenues taken from the victims of WW2 - most hauntingly from Jewish victims of the Holocaust.

    Well do you know how many millones of dollras Germany paid and already and is still paying for the victims of WW2 ???? It`s not true that our economy is build on revenues from the victims of WW II. I don`t want to excuse waht have done the germans in WWII but your facts are wrong.
    But I also know that millons of dollars does not heal the murdering of millions of people.

    Secondly english is a `Germanic`language. Sientists put it in the germanic language familily.
    The english language is part of the germanic language familylike german, swedish, dutch, denish, norwaigan (The scandinavian languages).

    Languages which are dominated from the latin are the romanic languages like French, Italien, rumanian, Spanish, potugese and so on. But I´M sorry, not english althogh it also contains words fron latin.

    someone 15 Jan 2009, 06:08 - Report
  • --------

    and don`t forget the massacers which have done yor british people in the time of colonization the the world. For instance when they went to africa and made genocits with modern machine-guns at that time and many more bad things at that time. GB is not the peaceful society which it seems to be. They were not better not more worse than other nations.

    someone 15 Jan 2009, 06:13 - Report
  • Concerning the economy.....

    The economy of Germany is not build on anything wich has been taken away from the Jews.

    German people and guest-workers (Gastarbeiter)build the economy of this country.

    Cem Dönmez 15 Jan 2009, 07:27 - Report
  • Turkish guest workes rebuild germany and makes its economy what it is today

    "German people and guest-workers (Gastarbeiter)build the economy of this country"

    Germans were nothing without the turks, wich came here and rebuild this country. Germans should be thankfull to the turks that they build up the economy of this country and make it the third strongest economy in the world. Germans would never become such an rich country as it is today if the turks and other guest workers wouldn´t come here. Without the foreigners that came here in the early 60´s this country would still have the status of n third world country. Those germans were unable to rebuild their nation and development a strong industry. Turks rebuild Germany! And guess how thankfull those german rascistic basrards are today!? Without foreigners the whole country would collaps! Germany has to owe his prosperity to the foreigners! Turks and other muslim-immigrants brought civilazation and culture to this barbarian nazi-country. If we watch the demographic situation of germany, it doesn´t take anylonger until we turks take over this place. It would be better for this country if foreigners make the rules.

    Ali 16 Jan 2009, 01:46 - Report
  • omgwtfbbq

    Indeed germans by nature are pure evil. theyre nazis, communists, terrorists, poison wells and eat babys for brunch.........

    i have to admit that reading a couple of pages of these rants really made me laugh out loud. accusing germans of racism and xenophobia while resorting to the most hilarious and degrading stereotypes is bigotry par excellence.
    a bunch of hypocrites insulting a country theyve probably never visited by inventing or perverting facts or playing the good old nazi card (ahh soo convenient.....) .........hysterically funny.

    although i find most of the comments rather amusing, the fact that people with very limited knowledge of the events during the third reichs regime spam their uneducated references to ww2 annoys me. there are so many statements that are just wrong on so many levels that its not even worth trying to correct them.
    i dont care about the obligatory nazi insults (theyre ridiculous anyway for anyone who has an iq above freezing point) but i think in regard to the many victims who suffered tremendously during that time, a discussion about the nazis shouldnt be held without proper knowledge and niveau. using the term nazi inflationary and while being ignorant to such an extent spoils the memory of the sufferings that so many had to bear back then.
    so if u have no or only a very superficial knowledge of the events during that period dont talk about it. youre only abusing the misery of the people back then which truly disgusts me.

    nevertheless, there might be some truth to the fact that dark-skinned people are "stared at".
    however, i assume that this staring usually isnt meant in a racist way. you have to realize that unlike france or the uk germany wasnt interessted in any colonies until the late 19th century. therefore there arent as many people of african descent living in germany and many germans (esspecially in the more rural areas) simply dont have much contact with non-europeans. these people probably solely stare at you since youre kind of "exotic" to them. theyre curious.
    the same thing happened to a friend of mine when he visited japan. hes a 6.5 foot blonde guy and people on the street constantly stared at him. many even took pictures. they acted that way since he looked "exotic" to them as well.
    although it may be annoying it probably isnt meant in a hostile way.

    moi 16 Jan 2009, 01:58 - Report
  • dear ali

    well, you got some facts wrong there.
    the gastarbeiter did not rebuild germany.
    as you stated above, the immigrant workers came to germany in the early 1960`s.
    by that time west germany already was the second strongest economy worldwide (that was before the rise of japan) thanks to the reforms of ludwig erhardt, the marshall plan and the hard work of the so-called "truemmerfrauen". the foreign workers were hired because germany boomed after the "wirtschaftswunder" and there were more jobs than employables.
    i wont answer to the rest of your comment since its nothing but a conglomerate of nonsense and childish insults.

    moi 16 Jan 2009, 02:22 - Report
  • Hello Ali

    That`s right what wrote `moi`.

    Germnay would also have been a powerfull economic country without turkish people., because if the turkish people did not come to work in Germany would have come other people frome other poorer countrys and woul have done the work of the turkish guest workers. The world is full of poor people who would like to work in economicly strong nations.

    Apart from that did not come the well educated people from turkey to germany. Ther ecame mostly the poorest and non educated people from Anatolia. Thhesy didn`t even find work in their own super country Turkey.

    All economicly strong nations depend on cheaper `guestworker`. For example , the economy of the United states is also based on poor latino specially mexican workers who do the bad jobs for a few money so that US-americans can consume cheap their products in their own country. I tell you, if the turkish not came would have come millions of other poor working people from other countrys. And my opinion is that would have been better for germany if there did not came so many muslim turkish people because of the arroganze we do have a big integration problem. The turkish muslim people from the super conservative Anatolia ( even much more conservative than turks from other parts in turkey, which are mor opended minded)make uys big problems. Many of them live here for many generations but they don`t marry people from germany and other countrys non islamic. They are so arrogant. They say that germans are nazis, but in reality are them who live in their arrogant isolated culture and do not want to integrate...

    Wahts aboet the many italian `guestworkers` and many other foreigners.they are very well integrated integrated and they have children with germans. But they are not arrogant and their religion ids not so different people from latinamerica and italia are catholic.

    Yes you are right, many germany have an inmigration background bur they feel german and do not have such stupid ideas like you have. The turkish community will not mix up with other people in germany so rapidly , because of theri stupid arrogance and rules `not to marry` germans.

    Be happy, that your turkish guys could have beeen guestworkers in germany because in your own country perhapy nerver would have had education and a job. And remember ! If the non educated Anatoli turkey not came hare would have come other peopüle from other country. We did not depend on the turkey which specially nowadays make the most problems in our society. But the turkish guestworkers from the poor Anatolia depended from germany.

    If there are not poor mexicans anylonger who work in the USA, there also will be many poor workers from other southamerican countrys.

    Me 16 Jan 2009, 03:48 - Report
  • --------------

    Turkish people in germany from Anatolia are victims of their own arroganz.

    If they had integrated better there would be be more well educated people and people wtith honor of them in germany.

    Their stupid rules.
    1) My wife shall stay in the house and cook for the children. She has to put cloth on her head so that nobody can see her hair.

    The husbands dont want them to learn german so that they can`t escape from them.

    So we have a big lak of integartion and bad education of turkish women in germany. All because of their own arroganz and stupid culture.

    2) There are even turkish guy who look for Anatoli women and make them, althougho there is no love, to marry them. Even if the woman doesn`t want this idiot man. Her familiy makes her to marry him.

    What a stupid babaric anatolic rule !!!

    3) Germans for turkish anatoli peopel are non religios non islamic fanatists, so thesy isolate temselves and their families from the german society. And because of that they don`t integrate and make carrer in germany.

    Yes, the stupid idiot anatoli Turkeys in germany are vicitms of their own stupid culture !!!! More barbaric and stupid one can`t be.

    Even in western Turkey people lough about such stupid rules which have anatolic Turkeys in germany. They live in their Island of Isolation.

    Me 16 Jan 2009, 04:10 - Report
  • I am turkish....

    ....and I am well integrated into the german society.I think,someone in this thread calls himself "Ali" just to provoke people.

    It is true that mostly uneducated people from Anatolia came to Germany to work in factories,as cleaning womens....and so on.
    People in Turkey are much more modern than my fellow country man/women here in Germany.

    But this still doesn't mean that all of us German-Turks are uneducated idiots!I am very loyal to this country!

    I wish that german people are able to make a difference between turkish people like me and those ones who are like "Ali"(if he is a turkish guy!?I don't believe it because "Ali" is such a cliche name!).

    In my last post I wrote that german people and guest-workers build the economy of Germany together!!!It was just an answer to someones comment on germans living with "jewish money"(By the way:I am not antisemitic!).

    I just tried to protect Germany.That's all.

    Auf Wiedersehen,meine deutschen Freunde...und lasst euch nicht von "Ali" oder anderen Idioten provozieren!!!!

    Cem Dönmez 16 Jan 2009, 04:30 - Report
  • Hello Cem Dönmez

    I don`t hate turkish peolpe in general. Turkey is a fantstic interesting country with a lot of culture and well educated open minded people.

    I even have well integrated turkish friend here in germany. But I also know many turkish guy which are already living here in germany in the 2. - 3. generation and do still have these most stupid rules and are agressiv and arrogant against the german society, but not are the germans who are bad to them . Themselves live in their stupid isoltated babaric anatolic culture. In front of many turkish people in the street I do feel myself like an foreigner in my own country because these non integrated turkish guys act arrogant and agressiv against the `non muslimic german culture`.

    We did not depend on the turkish guestworker. If they did not came would have colme more italians , spanish people, polish people, latin people. It`s also a fault of german politicans at that time that they invited muy conservative anatolic Turkeys to germany andd did not see the clear proble of conservative cultural differences. Gustworker from other countries or western turkey would not have produced such a big integration problem, as not do the many italian `guestworkers`which are well integrated.

    These stupid anatolic rules and arroganz which live many turkish families in germany even are not written in the `Koran`!!!! They are just stupid customs of stupid non educated people. But I also know well educated turkish people in germany who look for their wifes in turkey and their families make these women to marry the man, even if they don`t want him.

    Wahat stupid babaric rules. Turkey is so rich with cultural things and friendly people, but someone did not put inteligence in many anatolic people.

    Cem. you are very welcome in germany. And I guess that you feel german. I don`t want to speak bad about turkish people in general but even you as a well intgrated person could see the big stupid integration problem of many anatolic turks.

    Nice greetings.

    Me 16 Jan 2009, 05:04 - Report
  • To Me

    Yes,you're right.I feel german.As I already said,I am very loyal to this country.
    The problem of Anatolia makes me sick,too.

    I wished that german politicians would have chosen the people who came to this country a bit more carefully.But they didn't!
    Now people like me have to suffer because of a bad image.

    You told me about well educated people who have to marry someone from Turkey whom they don't want.Believe me:Those are not really modern Turks!They might be more educated than other idiots,but their families are conservative.That's the main point.If I were you,I would only make friends with turkish people who have modern parents!Of course you might not be able to meet the parents of all your potential turkish friends,but if you have the opportunity,than don't miss it!
    I am a professional in making a difference between "real modern" Turks and those ones,who seem to be integrated,but still are prisoners in their backward families.

    Cem Dönmez 17 Jan 2009, 12:36 - Report
  • Hello Cem

    When I studied at University I got to know Turkish guys who married turkish women and already had children with them. These guys not were stupid but lived in their stupid tradition.

    These guys didn`t have any problem with that, because they were the man and could decide whom they want to marry. But the poor part is the turkish woman, who has to marry this man and come to germany. Many of this turkish women suffer agression with their turkish bastard husbands and even the parents and brothers and of her husbands make them to be their slaves.

    The joke about all that is, that after WWII we live in a free democratic country in which people can develop themselves, but these turkish anatolic people make this country a big prison with violence.

    I want to go on the street and live a free and tolerant live with the people in this country. And I`m shocked that there are people whho make use of this country in order to continue their stupid barbaric traditions.
    In Germany there are existing enclaves of fanatist traditions because of some turkish Anatols.

    Some one from the USA already wrote the following statement:
    I do agree with that.

    If somone does not accept this country , should move his ass outof here.

    But the joke is, that those anatolic idiots even are not accepted from the modern turkish society in Turkey. So these idiots stay here.

    Ihope that soon will change this situation and that many anatolic turkish people accept the rules of this free democratic country. So we can live peaceful and with tolerance together.

    One little story. When I studies I got to know a guy from Turkey. A very friendliy person. He came to germany in order to study 1 year at university. The first time he always was sitting alone in class or with some german people. He spoke german very well. One day we talked each other. And I said to him, "Oh, that should be nice for you. Here are so many people in class and at university who have heritage from turkey. So I iagine, that you already have many friends with whom you can speak turkish and wwho can help you in your language."

    And then he said to me, that he would not have any contact to the Turkish-germans. He would say hello but nothing more. He said they do not live my culture,they would have their own culture. they would not be turkish people for him. And when they come to Turkey people in Turkey do not see them like Turks. They are seen like germans and in turkey they would be like foreigners."
    That also told me german_turkish people. They also told me, that they would be seen like foreigners in Turkey.

    So waht will these anatolic people do. Go back to `their`home country, where most of them already are not accepted as turkish people anymore. Or will they stay here in germany and keep on going their stupid barbaric traditions, which isolate them from the german society ??

    And all the time that this turkish guy studied at my university I never saw him sitting next to german_turkish people !? He only had other friends from germany or from other countries! ??

    Nice greetings

    Me 17 Jan 2009, 10:20 - Report
  • Germany is great

    Germany is the best country I ever been. and nobody is a nazi

    vivien 17 Jan 2009, 10:52 - Report
  • Staring not only very rude in English-speaking countries, it is also rude in Germany but because Germans are often lazy about manners (and morals) until someone corrects them, you get stared at. I am sure little German children tell their parents "but mama people also stare at you in Japan," unfortunately their parents don't seem to want to discipline their darling, darling little children because that would be terribly, terribly spiessbuergerlich. It's much more fun to have them home at 12 from that nasty nasty school so you can cuddle them until they vomit up one kilo of ueberaschungsei. So I have to do it. I say: "Hey du arschficker, was guckst du?" As the cruel PISA-shock demonstrated, 1/ this is a question, 2/ they HAVE to answer this question in ENGLISH because it was asked by someone who comes from the Englisch-Raum 3/ THIS WOULD BE THE POLITE THING TO DO. "I, I am not a a a a arshficker. I am gucking you nicht."

    Ted 17 Jan 2009, 11:29 - Report
  • Ted

    You are not an american guy , are you ??

    You life in Germany and you are german or a turkish german who has a problem with it`s own society.

    When Ted is writes his trash here, he is sitting with ghis ass in Germany.

    Cause he is german.

    Someone 17 Jan 2009, 03:17 - Report
  • Dear Me

    That is exactly what I'm trying to tell you!!!
    Even most of the German-Turks at University are not like people in Turkey.That's what I meant,when saying "They might be more educated than other idiots,but...." and so on.

    I AM LIKE TURKS IN TURKEY!!!My whole family is!!!That's why I'm 100% accepted by people over there.They always tell me how different I am from other German-Turks.

    When I went to University I only spoke to Germans or Turks from Turkey.
    I hate 99% of the German-Turks.I can't identify myself with them.
    They listen to shit music.I listen to Oasis,Franz Ferdinand,The Killers,Die Ärzte,Air,Depeche Mode...and so on.
    They have their own way to speak german.I speak it like german people do.
    They have uneducated parents.My family is educated.

    That is one of the reasons,why my sister married a german man two years ago.
    It was always clear for her that she would marry a modern guy from Western-Turkey or a german one.
    So my brother in law is german.
    Other members of my family (for example uncle) are also married to german people.
    So,when our family comes together (Example:Weihnachten) we are completely mixed up.

    cem Dönmez 17 Jan 2009, 07:40 - Report
  • Dear Me

    That is exactly what I'm trying to tell you!Even at Universities most German-Turks are not like people in Turkey!That's why I said:"They might be more educated than other idiots,but...."and so on.
    I AM LIKE PEOPLE IN TURKEY!!!My whole family is!!!That's why I'm 100% accepted over there.
    Every Turk in Turkey tells me how different I am from other German-Turks.

    And hell,I'm happy about being different!!!

    Most German-Turks have a bad taste of music.
    I am not one of this Hip-Hop-Guys.
    I listen to Franz Ferdinand,Oasis,The Killers,Die Ärzte,The Prodigy,Red Hot Chili Peppers....and so on.I have a different haircut than most of this idiots and also another way to dress.

    When I went to University I only had contact to Germans or Turks from Turkey.

    My sister always hated those anatolian farmers,too.
    Two years ago she married a german man.
    So my brother-in-law is german.
    It was always clear to her that she would marry a guy from Western-Turkey or a german one.

    Concerning the things you said about anatolian Turks in Germany,I can say:Yes,you're right.
    They have no home-country.They are neither accepted in Germany nor in Turkey.
    The ridiculous thing about it is that they know it.
    They know that both societies shit on them,but still don't change.

    Cem Dönmez 17 Jan 2009, 07:51 - Report
  • Oh sorry

    I thought that my first post was extinguished,so I wrote the same things again.

    Sometimes I am stupid.

    Cem Dönmez 17 Jan 2009, 07:56 - Report
  • Me ....I want to repeat it

    and i want to repeat the most important fact again:
    those anatolian farmers and their children are neither accepted in germany nor in turkey!

    they know that both societies shit on them,but they still don't change.

    but:i have to add it again and again:

    there are other people of turkish origin in germany who are like my family!!!!

    and look at people like the music-producer mousse t. (who wrote the song "horny","sex bomb" for tom jones and produces the cd#s of many other famous musicians(including michael jackson!).
    look at -nazan eckes
    -the pekinel-twins(who are pianists)
    -erol sander(who is often on tv)
    -gülcan kamps(who is ridicilous,i know)
    -and especially have a look at serdar somuncu (for example at youtube).he is fantastic!

    there are a lot of people in the german media (i can't count them all) and also a lot of people in the average life,who are of turkish origin,but very western.i know so many turkish doctors,journalists,architects,lawyers.

    do you know what another problem is?
    german people don't recognize those people as "foreigners" because they are integrated so well.
    for example if you would see me or someone from my family walking down the street,you wouldn't consider us being of turkish origin.
    when my brother-in-law first meet my sister,he thought that she was german.

    i wrote that this is a problem,because the "image" of the turks is created by those f***ing anatolian farmers!
    the reason for it is their huge number!!!!!
    people like me are a minority in whole europe.only poor turks came to european countries!in turkey there are millions of people like us.
    spend a few days in istanbul and walk around the places,which are called "taksim" and "nisantasi".believe me,you will feel yourself like being in paris or vienna.

    by the way i wonder why you were thinking that this turkish guy at your university could be happy about the german-turks.didn't you see the difference?
    my god if you hadn't meet that guy,you would still have this picture of cliche-turks in your mind!
    if i think about the number of germans who still weren't in turkey and didn't saw the country with their own eyes........well,i don't know,what to say.....

    Cem Dönmez 17 Jan 2009, 08:25 - Report
  • -------------------------

    You are right Cem !!

    Me 17 Jan 2009, 08:32 - Report
  • By the way,...Me

    When I read your first answre to my post I knew that you have never been to Turkey.
    You wrote something about "great culture",but I think you have those "informations" from the "Reisebüro" or the Tschibo-magazine.
    Don't get me wrong!I appreciate what you wrote.And especially what you wrote about me.
    But pleaaaaase do me a favour and visit Western-Tukey.Than you'll understand what I mean.
    And as I said,if you meet German-Turks here,than take a look at their families,if you have the chance.
    As I said,I am a professional concerning that.I don't have to take a look at their families.I see it from 100 miles away,which Turks are really modern.
    But for you it might be helpful to follow my advice.

    Well "Me",the reason why I wrote so much today is,that I will make a trip to Munih tomorrow,so I can't post anything during the next days.

    Take care!!! Mit besten Wünschen my dear german friend.....
    (und lass dir deinen Alltag nicht von Asi-Türken vermiesen.Ich weiss es ist schwer,ich reg' mich ja selber auf,aber diese Leute gehören dem Präkeriat an.Sie sind also schon verdienterweise ganz unten.Das baut mich dann immer auf.
    Und vergiss nicht:Es gibt auch Türken,die ganz anders sind.Auch hier in Deutschland!).

    Hmmmmmm,obwohl....nur türkisch bin ich ja nicht.Ich bin auch stolz Deutscher zu sein!In meiner Familie haben alle,also auch ich,einen deutschen Pass.
    Ich denke,dass ich Deutschland überall auf der Welt gut vertrete (besser als manch ein Mallorca-Asi!).Ausserdem hebe ich im Gegensatz zu den übrigen Asis auch das Image Deutschlands in der Türkei(obwohl man sagen muss,dass die Menschen dort Deutsche eh schon mögen).Aber dort,wo sie Vorurteile haben (Beispielbig-smileeutsche=Nazis),habe ich schon viel Aufklärungarbeit geleistet.
    In diesem Sinne:
    Ein Raki auf die deutsch-türkische-Freundschaft!!!
    Mach's gut!
    Cem Dönmez

    Cem Dönmez 17 Jan 2009, 08:52 - Report
  • I hate Germany

    f*** nazi germany

    Gabe 18 Jan 2009, 01:35 - Report
  • Out of context!

    I don't like how it turns up the subject in this forum; please don’t get me wrong, but it seems like a useless teenager's discussion. I'm not trying to offend anybody, but I think that this discussion is pointless!
    You should approach this opportunity to really learn about other cultures, and also to discuss (and propose alternatives) for something such a disgusting like the racism are.

    Meanwhile you still being wasting your energies in something such an absurd like insulting to each other, we are very far away from the solution of all the problems

    My opinion it's that all of you are out of the context!

    myself 18 Jan 2009, 04:50 - Report
  • this is ridiculous...

    well i'm not german either but you guys are so pathetic! nobody gives a F*** what you are thinking about germany. if you hate 'em so much i'm shur you hate beer and german cars like porsche, mercedes and bmw, for instance, as well...and a guy who doesn't drink beer is, like, totally GAY!!!

    your ass 18 Jan 2009, 11:45 - Report
  • german ppl = ugly?!

    haha yeah kno why? because of all the f***ing immigrants who came to germany after ww2

    that's the reason why germany is full of ugly ppl because of the f***ing russians and turks!

    pure germans ppl are like swedes:
    blonde hair, blue eyes, big tits

    so f*** you guys at least i'm not as fat as you are

    blonde chick 18 Jan 2009, 11:50 - Report
  • blonde chick

    I have a turkish girlfriend and she is very,very beautiful.
    She is tall(1,76m),has light-brown hair and brown eyes and an extremely beautiful face.
    Her body is like that one from a model.

    Stupid german BITCHES like you make me feel ashamed of being german.
    To whom do you compare yourself blonde chick?With turkish people who you meet at the Dönerbude?
    Compare yourself to other Turks and you'll see that YOU are the one,who is ugly!!!!!
    By the way in the turkish Schwarzmeerraum there are so many Turks who are swedish blonde(I mean REAL blonde,not with colored hair).
    And other regions in Turkey have blonde people,too.And people with red hair....
    It has to do with the Ottoman Empire!

    Only Turks in european cities are mostly ugly because they are from poor villages in South-Western-Turkey.But my girlfriend is NOT.

    I love her and always will.She is better in bed than german women are.

    Do you have Satelitenfernsehen?Look at turkish television and you will see who is the ugly one.
    YOU or those wonderful woman.

    Or spend your next holiday there if you have enough money you stupid Unterschichtler.People like you are the reason why the whole world is thinking that we germans are like YOU ugly Nazi.

    I love my girlfriend and always will.And I love Turkey.In April I will be there again.Yippi!!!!!

    And russian girls are pretty,too.

    Daniel / Augsburg 18 Jan 2009, 05:29 - Report
  • Blonde chick and Daniel Augsburg

    you are just sowing a big big inferior complex with this messages.. the people is not "beauty" just because there are blond .. or brown or yellow or green.. and please people how do you dear to talk about races when there are not 100% "pure" races.. that´s not exists !!

    . 18 Jan 2009, 05:40 - Report
  • silly discussion

    This topic is full of half knowledge and people who never learned anything about Germany's history or stuff like that. They say Germany is full of nazis and communists. Veeeerrrry clever. First, nazis don´t exist anymore, only in the US are some "nazis" (NSDAP/AO). This guys are called in Germany "neonazis". And their parties are still losing a lot of members. The only party which is on the leftist side is the partie "DIE LINKE". And this party have already more members than all the "neonazi parties". All the other parties are center. And not all the inventions are built by forced laborer: For example the first plane (built bei Karl Jatho) or the first car (built by Carl Benz) were invented before anything like a nazi party was founded. And the only argument from some guys is: "Germans are Nazis". This is not worth the discussion.

    Hallo 18 Jan 2009, 05:40 - Report
  • What I forgot blonde chick

    You talk like every german woman looking like Heidi Klum.Where do you live???
    Go on the street and look at the people (German people!Not just Ausländer!).
    I even feel ashamed of Angela Merkel.She looks so typical german.
    And for the future:Shut up!Du ruinierst unser Image,du Unterschichtlerin.Geh' mal in die Bücherei und lies' was!

    Daniel/Augsburg 18 Jan 2009, 05:43 - Report

    To the dimwits pretending Germany had no impirical ambition, check the following:

    The Herero and Namaqua Genocide occurred in German South-West Africa (modern day Namibia) from 1904 until 1907, during the scramble for Africa. It is thought to be the first genocide of the 20th century.[1] On January 12, 1904, the Herero people under Samuel Maharero rose in rebellion against German colonial rule. In August, German general Lothar von Trotha defeated the Herero in the Battle of Waterberg and drove them into the desert of Omaheke, where most of them died of thirst. In October, the Nama also took up arms against the Germans and were dealt with in a similar fashion. In total, between 24,000 and 65,000 Herero (all values are estimated as being 50% to 70% of the total Herero population), and 10,000 Nama (50% of the total Nama population) perished. Two characteristics of the genocide were death by starvation and the poisoning of wells used by the Herero and Nama populations that were trapped in the Namib Desert.

    In 1985, the United Nations’ Whitaker Report recognized Germany’s attempt to exterminate the Herero and Nama peoples of South-West Africa as one of the earliest attempts at genocide in the 20th century. The German government apologized for the events in 2004.[2]

    Actually, even you are origianlly from Africa! Think about it. 18 Jan 2009, 11:51 - Report
  • Germans = always the same !

    Germans always ruined the whole world.

    They only know how to start wars,how to kill people and how to be nationalistic against minorities.

    They deserve hard punishment.

    The allies treated them too soft.

    nirvana 19 Jan 2009, 07:56 - Report
  • And most funny of all :


    Hitler told them fairy tales and they still believe it.

    nirvana 19 Jan 2009, 08:02 - Report
  • racism is everywhere

    Racism and xenophobia have different faces. In boths countries, there´s long-term-planned discriomination and social eclusion of minorities.
    In Germany it´s more hidden, only the minorities themselves experience it and you won´t find real poverty like run down Trailers or trashed ghettos like in the USA.
    But the ethnic minorities are discriminated in the education system and on the labor market (but most germans will deny it, because our schools, offices and employees always try to appear equitably)face daily discrimination and are challenged with higher crime rates and higher unemployment.
    In america it´s more open and more discussed. Ethnic segregation (even in villages), ethnic murderer and open racist platforms are visble, if you don´t have two blind eyes - and the government doesn´t control and prevent "dangerious" webpages and organisations like in germany. Our racists and xenophobists f.e. often choose american servers to avoid the german internet- censorship.


    It´s arrogant to blame people from anatolia. Without their strong social ties and traditional religious belief they wouldn´t have survived in germany like they did, they would face more alcoholism, drug addiction and crime - in germany as well as in big turkish cities.

    It´s always the easiest way to blame the people which must struggle more to make ends meet

    This is common in germany, but even worse in the US. In so many discussions on the internet the majority of the US- users blame the poor, weak and unskilled to be lazy and justify the inequality in the USA. And many americans think that their undersized welfare programs supply too much!

    But we germans and you americans must know - A civilisation is as strong as it´s rich, educated and skilled helps the poor, uneducated and unskilled. God created us with different characters and living conditions. But all overthe world the people who have don´t want to see the people who don´t have - Everyone must think about that to realize it

    TypicalGerman 20 Jan 2009, 03:36 - Report
  • nazis

    I think German culture is still anti-individualist. Germans confuse "indvidualism" with "opportunism," as in 1933-45. There are laws like Beleidigung and also a strong welfare state, designed to support the indvidual. The PISA results indicate teachers lecturing students, rather than allowing them to learn by practice. And like this discussion, Germans are very concerned what country you come from, that often comes first. And of course the anti-Americanism since Iraq. But now Obama is prez, "America" is cool again.

    Ted 20 Jan 2009, 07:34 - Report
  • ok

    im sorry,but i dont recommend to anyone to came to germany.your just gonna find rude,agressive,racist,cold,arrogant people.the weather its also awfull,i hate this place so much..........

    k 20 Jan 2009, 07:39 - Report
  • Deutschland

    keep in mind that as you go from place to place within a country things can change as well, be it state to state, bundesland to bundesland, city to city, or block to block. i am from albany, ny and i've been living in wuerzburg, bavaria for about half a year. the scenery is different... the houses are built differently, the city's streets are laid out very differently, the food is different, etc. the people in wuerzburg, however, just seem like regular people to me; they're not that different from the people back home. people who hear me speak and realize i'm not german often come up to me and ask me about what i'm doing, how i like studying here, etc. my point is... i came to europe thinking it would be SO different from the us. in some ways it is. but after being here for a while, my opinion is that everywhere you go people are the same. it is definitely wrong to say that all germany is a country full of nazis. the right-wing parties here are vehemently hated by 95% of people. on the whole (at least in bavaria) politically, things are shifting to the left. not everyone is miserable. you can see misery anywhere - i see it when i go back to visit albany, and i see it when i am out here in wuerzburg. germany and the usa are different, but one is not better than the other.

    anonymous 21 Jan 2009, 05:53 - Report
  • America more individualist than Germany? Yes but ...

    """I think German culture is still anti-individualist"""

    I agree ... It´s pseudo- individualist

    the guidline "live and let live" is often spoken, but not practiced.

    People tolerate (while suffering by doing so) other habits and beliefs, but they don´t accept it

    In this respect, america might be more open

    But the american wal marts culture is everything but individual

    You´ve the strange belief in individuality by monotony - look at the suburbs: All houses look similar, and so do the yards, the car parks, the streets and the avenues

    Maybe every society tends to sameness, but you only see it as a foreign visitor

    TypicalGerman 23 Jan 2009, 04:24 - Report
  • anti-individualist

    I thought maybe karstadt owned wal-mart, they own most of german retail, besides maybe metro, aldi and lidl. I don't mean so much how things look, although germans look mostly uniformly 'unauffaellig' it's not a fashion country, but how some Germans shy away from responsibility - which is what I understand as indvidualism. I have an experience of this almost every day. I remember telling an employee of a government department that she WAS her department for me. She was so shocked that anyone would thrust this responsbility on to her. In other places like the UK or New World countries, this would be a completely normal thing to say or assume - you would not even have to say it. That's an example of what I mean by anti-indvidualism, there's still only a weak culture of taking responsibility in Germany. The classic is of course May 8th 1945, when suddenly there were no nazis in the country, Germans had just been "doing what they were told" all along, like it had nothing to do with them - this is opportunism.

    Ted 23 Jan 2009, 07:00 - Report

    You are so DISGUSTING!!!

    Germany is such a wonderful country!
    So shut up and piss off!

    Do you think you're better?

    Dummschwätzer, die keine Ahnung haben, ey...

    PROUD_GERMAN 23 Jan 2009, 03:26 - Report
  • responsibility

    It´s not wrong what you say: Unfortunately this social behaviour fits to germany

    But begin with yourself:
    In america also every bloody war is accepted, if not welcomed at the war beginning by the majority. When other media reports are coming around, like war crimes, strategic faults and when the economy is suffering from the war- household, the majority canges its "opinion"

    TypicalGerman 23 Jan 2009, 08:12 - Report
  • @TypicalGerman

    Yes I agree, it has been easier for the US to go to war since 1945 and most of these wars have been problematic. There is also a stupid military patriotism in the US population which makes heroes out of anyone who "serves." It is also a big part of the US economy, and the welare system. But I don't think that all Americans are in general "kriegslustig", just waiting for an excuse to start bombing some country. War is seen as one possibility of dealing with a situation. It's possible to change one's opinion about having a war when the goals of the war are not achievable. A pacifist, on the other hand, is against all war and cannot have another opinion about war and still be a pacifist. You are suggesting that a person can either be a/a pacifist, or b/kriegslustig, but not a mixture of both? Or do you mean Germans are pacifists and Americans are krieglustig, by nature? By the way I don't come from the US, or the EU.

    Ted 24 Jan 2009, 12:53 - Report
  • herero

    if u had read my post properly instead of being focussed on bashing germany u would have realized that i wrote "germany was not interessted in any colonies UNTIL THE LATE 19TH CENTURY". nobody will deny that germany during the wilhelmian era had vast imperial ambitions. therefore, theres no need to call me a "dimwit" if you simply arent able or willing to read properly.

    Nevertheless, im not sure what you wanna express with that wikipedia link anyway. imperialism and atrocities in the colonies were certainly not an exclusively german phenomenom. it was a european phenomenon. just look at the belgian massacres in congo.
    all european nations were arrogant and consumed by ambition in these days but at least (unlike others) germany has accepted its guilt and apologized.

    Moi 25 Jan 2009, 02:30 - Report
  • Lighten up you all you angry people out there...

    All you people do is insult each other and readily accept that you are correct and the others are wrong. As for the terrible cursing, it only means a lack of proper expression and helpless frustration.
    My family and I left Germany in the fifties and tried to start a new life in the US.
    The war was a horror for all; we are all victims of that ordeal.
    There is 'no my people are better than your people', it's just archaic traditions that prevent assimilation.
    Guest workers that don't want to fit in are their own worst enemies.
    We have the same issues here in the US with Mexicans. No one wants to learn English and our government is bending over backwards to accomodate them.
    The Afro-Americans (as they are called currently) have lived here since slavery days. They dress differently than the rest of society and amusingly the German teens wear the same silly cartoon inpiring clothing to be cool. If people would just fit in with the rest of society they would get better job offers, perhaps rethink their existence and actually be productive.
    If I would run around here with Lederhosen I would be looked at as an idiot.
    As for Germans being cold,especially the Northeners...well that's a fact.
    So what... that's their privilege, after all they do live in Germany... don't they? French are thought of as arrogant by Americans. As for Germans no one really thinks of them actually here, which is a good thing I suppose, because Americans even though they buy German products, still think of only Bratwurst and Sauerkraut and Lederhosen. They probably think that assembly line workers wear these at work too.
    The German language has 'Du' and 'Sie' and that automatically creates a distance between people regardless of origin.
    I as a former German (if I can express myself as such) still have Heimatsgefuehle or being wehmuetig when seeing the beauty of the country and visiting relatives, albeit only for a limited time, yet I also feel like a stranger there.
    I was brought up by an old fashioned German father that still lived like life was 50 years ago. When I saw how modern Germans expressed themselves, I realized the old fashioned ideals I had to grow up with as did others here in similar situations. So I too was not a German anymore and yet I was not accepted as an American either, not unlike some of you that had written about similar experiences in Germany and yes, the Germans have some bad manners such as almost walking right through you if you didn't see them and make room. Here we say excuse me first and an opening is made immediately. This is just one example of their rudeness that irks me.
    The bottom line is that there is a prejudicial behavior everywhere and Germany is not better or worse than any other country. Please forgive my for jumping to different issues and ramblings, but I just had to get some things of my chest and put my two cents in too.
    Live and let live and then do onto others before they do onto you!

    Hans 27 Jan 2009, 02:59 - Report
  • Rebel Yell

    Sei bitte nicht so blind. Ihr gibt uns "Ami's" den Schult an beinahe Alles. Schaue bitte Ihr eigene Mist an. Ihr Bank Chefs haben genau den selben Unsinn gemacht als bei d. Ami's.

    "Bauern"! Ich habe nie einen Bauer gesehen bis ich hier in Deutschland landete. Und die sind doof.

    American 27 Jan 2009, 12:36 - Report
  • Siempre son los mejores y siempre tienen toda la razón

    no digo k no haya alemanes simpáticos y buenos, que los habrá y los he conocido, pero la mayoría son "perfectos" o eso se creen, ellos nunca se equivocan, te equivocas tú. Soy española. Ellos , según su opinión todo lo que esté mal construido o mal realizado, dicen :típico español. Tienen a los españoles como mafiosos y gandules. Nunca pedirán perdón aunque es obvio que a veces no tienen la razón, te dirán: no creo que sea así, pero no te darán la razón. Ah!Se me olvida. La copa de Europa según ellos la ganamos por chorra. jajajajajjaj.Son unos amargados, y unas caras podría seguir hablando de ellos sin parar pero tengo mejores cosas que hacer.

    titikaka 27 Jan 2009, 09:55 - Report
  • @Hans

    what are you trying to tell us?i am german,you are not!!!
    so stop teaching me something about my country!i don't give a f*** for your "german past"(leaving germany in the 50ies....)
    you are an f***ing american,who once had german ancestors.deutschland über alles!!!

    Friedhelm 27 Jan 2009, 11:53 - Report
  • Jealously!

    There are some people here, who are talking shit about America and I bet none of them have been to America. Don't say what you don't know, okay? Come on, let's stop pretending, every European wants to come to America! I'm not talking about USA, I'm talking about the continent called AMERICA!

    Janne 28 Jan 2009, 02:16 - Report
  • Open your mind

    """Live and let live and then do onto others before they do onto you!""

    So why don´t you accept, that the mexicans speak spanish? What´s the problem? Things will change in america too. The white europe majority is scrumbling, but their elites will try to keep the guide until the end of the end ...

    It´s the same here in Germany (Turks, Russian, Arab ...)Of course, immigrants and their children must learn the langue, but it´s no problem, if they speak at home and with their friends a their mother tongue


    People with a fashist attitude is the expression of illness. So heal yor illness, it´s not to late

    TypicalGerman 28 Jan 2009, 03:38 - Report
  • Hmm

    I cannot talk bad about Germany because I haven't been there yet but I cannot be quiet when someone is talking bad about my continet.
    Have you ever been to America? NO? So don't say anything! Just live the differeces, babe blunk
    P.S.: America is a continent, not a single country.

    :) 28 Jan 2009, 02:32 - Report
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