Ausländer - Foreigner

  • An alle Ausländer denen es hier nicht passt, geht doch zurück in das Land aus dem ihr oder eure Eltern gekommen sind. Kein Deutscher wird deshalb anfangen zu weinen.
    Zu den Deutschen die gehen wollen: Wenn ihr es hier zu nichts gebracht habt und zu den Verlierern gehört, dann werdet ihr es auch nicht im Ausland schaffen.

    To all foreigners which don´t like it in germany. Go back to the country from which you or you parents are come. No german would start crying.
    To the germans which would go: If you don´t make it here and you are a loser, you wouldn´t make it in a foreign country and there you are a looser, too.

    @ Ami Sam
    The most germans today was born after the war or was to young during the war to have a responsible position. Stop talking about the war, again and again. This applies to all foreigners. By the way, has your cowboy great - grandfather indians killed?

    @ marie
    Gemany stinks?
    Close the zipper of your trousers. Presumably it gets suddenly better. Go soon to japan or to the usa. They wait for you.

    Deutschland 01 Sep 2008, 08:27 - Report
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germany sucks

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