
  • hallo, your definition of extraction leaves alot to be desired. extraction means several things. essentially it means to remove and concontrate into something meaningful. the 42 million you refer to are so mixed now that you could almost certainly extract english, irish, italian, scottish and welsh blood from them. put these constituent extracts together and what do you get; an american of course.
    to labor the point all german wire haired (gwp)pointers (deutshces draathaar)are of wolf extraction. but i am sure that you would agree that no-one would be too keen on keeping a wolf in the house with their infant daughters. i rest my case and proove herewith that american is to gwp what german is to wolf.

    in keeping with this issue - the popualtion of amercia was about 25 million in 1850. with exception to the 3 million blacks, the vast majority hailed from the british isles and were english speakers. at this time britain was a united nation and had been for several hundred years. germany united in the latter half of the 19th century and was poor, broke, dissolute, war torn and the very picture of instability. f*** sake you even lost a war to the french. how miserable is that??

    up until the end of the 17th century inhabitants of the usa were referred to as settlers or colonists. thereafter they were called immigrants. you guys really only started to come over in huge numbers like the irish and the italians between 1850 to 1895. even then your combined numbers did not exceed those of the settled community whose laws customs, tradions and language continued to prevail. at this time germany was to provide the most immigration of the aforementioned groupings but only just. (germans 5,5m, irish 5 mil, italian 4.5mil)many germans and italians returned to europe. only 10% of the irish did which is why they went on to have such a bigger impact politically on the states then other immigrants of that epoch. when we think of us presidents how many of them were german? and the arguement germans like to use (but only on their own soil and in the secrecy of their own language) is that america nearly spoke german is ludicrous.

    to scotch any further german myths about their importance in the us just check out the most common surnames in the us. they are smith,johnson, williams, jones, brown and davis. all english. in fact in the first 50 surnames there is not one german name mentioned. some however are spanish.

    Sam 15 Oct 2008, 12:04 - Report
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germany sucks

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