german women

  • I've had the same problem with a number of german women, spread over 10 years. I am a foreigner (english-speaking) not bad looking, fairly intelligent, an average job, german language is average. I don't classify myself as "a great catch" for a woman. But since I moved to germany, I have had contact with several women who seem to be obsessed with me. I am friendly to them but I have never slept with them becasue I am not attracted to them so for me (over several years) the relationship is therefore "just friends." I am friendly but I don't flirt or touch them, maybe a quick kiss to say hello/goodbye. I meet them now and them every few weeks or months for a drink or dinner just like normal friends, they don't know each other. But they (4 of them) cannot seem to get the idea that I don't want to have sex with them. Especially after a few drinks, they can get verbally unpleasant, aggressive, like I owe them something. It doesn't happen all the time, maybe they behave like this once every six months but I really wonder why they can't accept the situation. I never had this experience before from women. It's something younger men tend to do (me to, once!) but I have experienced this from mature women before. They also have other male friends etc, it's not like they are desperately lonely.

    barry 18 Jul 2009, 05:33 - Report
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germany sucks

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