the cheaptest hotels

  • Dear madam/sir,

    I am Lisa, business development executive of
    A leading online hotel reservation website based in France and UK with over hundred thousand hotels all over the world. We provide confirmed bookings for luxury hotels, hostels and other type of accommodations. And we also specialise in tailor made tour packages for our clients according to their needs.
    I see a great opportunity of a working collaboration with your company. This is why i am allowing myself to invite you to be our affiliate partner.
    How it works? It’s simple, just enrol to our affiliate program, download one of our ads by accessing your account and place the ad link on your website. And start earning.
    By becoming our affiliate, you get your own id and password to login to your account. Each reservation completed by a customer via your website, you will receive a 4% commission of the total reservation. Thanks to our affiliate program you can track all the reservations generated via your website and keep a real time account of your earnings. I am convinced that it’s a chance for us to work for a mutual interest.
    If you require any further information please contact me. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    lisa 27 Oct 2008, 02:31 - Report
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