kuwait hero and kuwaiti blues

  • I have thoroughly enjoyed reading what both of you have written about daily life and culture in Kuwait. I am a single woman living in North America and seriously considering teaching in Kuwait. I have a couple of questions for both of you about this.
    After working and teaching hard all day - how easy is it to develop a social life with the expat community (not necessarily other teachers!) but to become part of embassy staff events?
    How easy is it to meet a Kuwaiti family and to learn, from them, about daily life? I have traveled all over the world, am use to speaking with pretty much anyone but have also heard that looking at Arab men could get me into trouble - how true is this?
    How evident are the 'religious police' on a daily basis?
    thanks for your reply - continue writing such insightful and perceptive pieces.

    tango 11 Feb 2009, 01:17 - Report
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