how much proof do you need?

  • a salsa congress was advertised in Lima, the websites are still showing it - it did not take place - the police posted a report on their own website which was reproduced above, you can check with them - no one has recieved refunds.
    How much clearer can I make it - people paid for an event and didn't get refunds when it did not take place.
    Are you saying now then that the event was not advertised? Are you saying that people got refunds?
    you can SEE the proof for yourself that the event was advertised and I am telling you now, and I am NOT posting anonymously, that I have not received one penny from Dan Sela.
    Proof enough.

    Janice Walker 05 abr 2007, 08:05 - Denunciar
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Carefull w. Fraudster Dan in Marbella

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