the guys who have all the comments about who is best country or arrogant

  • you guys sound like a herd of fools. look at your comments, like the one calling the americans arrogant, which i agree, is rather annoying and egotistical, but perhaps the new administration won't be so snobby, yet sir, you don't sound like the model of humility guys are like kids in a playground, the way your mentality is so childish. look,India, is a cultural gem, it is an piece of golden spiritually enlightened in many respects of self improvement towards perfection and all that stuff, but the reality is sir, that in the world everyday life and global politics, India is too poor to be the superpower you dream it is. that is just not the reality. the power that you express is not only financial status of the strength of India currency it is also the military strength of the country, if it is only that aspect alone we were to use as a measurement, korea has a military that would eat the India military for breakfast , as an example. you need to be realistic before spouting off emotional nonsense which is simply a matter of distaste for american style and love of India style. that is not a problem. people are not manufactured from a mold. you like what you like and other people like what they like. but as far as India ruling the world as you say, you have the population working for the firms that are western based like the people who answer phone calls for western companies. in other words , you are not owning and running the businesses you are instead working for us at this time. do you get that point? and as far as exports of goods and services, etc. there is not enough agriculture, etc. to feed the population of India as for example, the united states has miles and acres of food and grain. you know what I say is true. and i am not saying it to make you feel badly. I have found your country , it's culture, and even the food and clothing and so much about it, entrancing for most of my life. i think India is incredible but it is very poor and there are many severe problems with too much
    overcrowding and so many of the situations that beset a poor country with many people and also a country that has been raided and raped for centuries by outsiders for its natural resources like the tea and the english takeover in history. your passion and love for your homeland are nice however, your words are those of a young and foolish man, who is angry above his level of logical rationality. jai sri sat guru maharaj ki my brother. hari om shaanthi. 15 Giu 2009, 07:43 - Denuncia
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