Uli,german girl and lili

  • in USA almost there is no racism.it looks after obama election everybody here want to date a person of another race.
    my former girlfriend was english ancestry,and i already dated finish ,dutch and french women.
    but german women i never dated. did you say that there is much prejudice against latin men in germany? why? because we are "machos"? but it is wrong? or german women want a gay boyfriend?
    did you mean that all german women are radical feminists?
    german women cant obey a men?what are wrong with them?
    i think that it is not the point here.the point is that german women are f. racists,and dont like people with dark or bronw skin.
    german girl,if you want to date a black,do that.you father must respect what you want to be happy.it is your life,and you know what is better for you,and only you.your father cant to live your life.
    lili,thank you for the sincerity.but do you think that most german women hates blacks ,or latinos too?

    LATINO MEN 02 apr 2009, 03:27 - Rapporteer misbruik
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are german women racists?

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