I disagree - if everything were about money,,,

  • I have a very different opinion. The story of nurses (and everybody) going to the USA for better pay is idiotic. Sure doctors are not overworked in the USA... yeah right!

    What about values? The health profession is about making a difference, not just about driving Bentleys.

    I know many many doctors, researchers and nurses that love their work and face the challenges with dignity. If everything in life were about money, we would be screwed long time ago.

    Professionals from all over the world come to the Toronto Hospitals to LEARN. There are very few places in the world with such a large network of hospitals like Toronto.

    So Mr. It is not about "overworking and earning less than in the USA" Please go there yourself and have a "happy life making money and working little hours". Good luck with that!

    Anonymous 26 十一月 2005, 04:14 - 举报滥用
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