LOL...Ignorance rears it's Kuwaiti head once again.

  • Let's dissect Fatma's post. Kuwait is not a democracy, it's a monarchy. The leader of your country was not elected, he was born with one of two last names, and is automatically put in line to run the country. Being born into a family does not qualify you to run a country, albeit a crappy one. Kuwait, the safest country on Earth? Yeah, if you don't ever go outside. You have more fatal car accidents in one month than the U.S has in a year..all of this happens in one city, Kuwait city! The only reason that violent crime isn't rampant is because a large portion of the population are slaves that can't leave and the justice system in will never punish an Arab. A Kuwaiti will never be accountable for his stupidity because of "wasta". What has changed from the gulf war in this country? Nothing, it never was beautiful, clean or even a nice place to live. The only thing that made it better was the huge influx of expats to help run and protect the place from your neighbors to the north. Compare Kuwait to Hydepark? Have you ever been to Hydepark? People there are happy, and FREE. A girl can wear a thong there and sunbathe, and nobody cares. She won't have 50 guys harassing her. Comparing Kuwait to Hydepark is so far fetched I can't even begin to wonder how you figured that one out. Kuwait will never be anything in the future, because there is no industry, no exports, no tourism, nothing. Just oil. Once that runs out, you guys are done. A free country my ass. Women swimming in full burkas, that sounds like freedom! Not being able to chat with a girl in public, that's freedom. Can't have an alcoholic beverage because the gov't won't allow it? Yeah. The list could go on forever. Well, my rant for the day is over, I'm Christian and forced to live by Ramadan rules..that's freedom. Because you can't tempt a Muslim, because if they give in it's their fault. I can't eat or drink outside because you might get jealous and do the same. Change religions if you don't like it! I swear you won't get struck down by lightning, I promise! I hope to hear a loud "pop" soon, which would be the sound of you removing your head from your ass!

    Freshly Snipes 11 Sep 2008, 05:12 - Report
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