
  • I'd like to follow up on my first post by saying that I'm an open-minded person, and gave Kuwait a fair chance my first 6 or so months here. It would be nice if some Kuwaitis could handle critisim, constructive or not, and realize that this country needs help. But hell, why would you choose to make things better when you are basically living the life of a spoiled 16 year old? Laws don't apply if you are Kuwaiti! It's going to be hard times when the bubble around their sheltered, ignorant lives eventually bursts! Ignorance applies to expats as well, I've seen many an expat absorb into the racism and "holier than thou" attitudes only because their white or black skin color got them some "wasta" in this country. Inflated egos on shitheads that can't make 35k a year in the states. Anyhoo, that's my rant for the day! Joke of the day, I saw this in the Kuwait Pocket guide, stated as a fact: "Kuwait won the Olymic Gold medal at the Moscow Olympics in 1980.". Of course we all know that the greatest country on the planet earns the deserving right to win the one and only gold medal handed out during the Olympics...oh wait, there are tons of gold medals handed out, Kuwait has a single medal for the entire history of the Olympics, a bronze.

    Habibi69 sweeet alias, eh? 13 Aug 2008, 04:44 - Report
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