supplier of the toner cartridges.

  • We come by this message to inform all persons with the applicant for projects or products, our readiness to respond in the shortest possible time and their needs.

    Our company S.E.A FREE-TECH srl in Italy, specialized in supplying raw materials for recycling, products compatible FREE-TECH.

    We can give you more information about the products you want to import in large quantities or small amounts to establish trust at the beginning.

    Please find our contacts above, we are at your disposal for any serious partnership:

    [email removed]

    msn: [email removed]

    skype: sea_haddy

    S.E.A. S.r.l.
    Via S. Antonio , 51 - loc. Giardoni
    82030 Limatola ( BN ) - Italy
    Pbx ++39.0823.484101 int. 48
    Fax ++39.0823.487244

    Siti Web:


    Haddy El abbadi 16 Feb 2009, 08:34 - Report
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