Funds required - Dependant Visa

  • I like to apply for entry clearance as a dependant of a student. I am confused about few things. So i writing this email to have your kind assistance in this regard.

    please refer to this link
    advised to my spouse by his University's Dean of office. It says
    "This page explains how dependants can come to the United Kingdom with general students who are here to study. The information is based on our statement of intent published on 30 July 2008. The information on this page will be updated as we continue to develop the final policy at the end of March 2009.
    If you want to bring your dependants with you, you will need to show that you have a further £533 (in London) or £400 (outside London) a month for each dependant that you bring with you for up to a maximum of 12 months."

    What amount should be maintained in bank for 3 months? Should it be £4800 or £4000?

    Note:: My stay with him will be for 10 months from Jun 2009 to March 2010 which is expiry date of his visa. My spouse is studying outside London.

    please let me know your views on it?

    My spouse account is opened in last week of January 2009. Do i have to wait until 31 May 2009 to apply for Dependant Visa. Please confirm this point. Can i apply before this date?

    looking forward to your kind help.

    6 20 feb 2009, 05:48 - Denunciar
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dependent visa ,query

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