
  • Do not buy samsung refrigerator which is poorly designed! the fridge is desiged in a way that the panel is hot, it is too hot for one to keep one's hand on it, the fridge's temperature is not stable, it either gets too cold that vegi freeze in side or that it is not cold if you adjust the temp by one section. it does not last, and starting to give problems after a year. Even when sent back to the factory for overhaul, it failed to work less than a month's time after being sent back from the factory. Company is trying to drag on till warranty is over in 3 months time. In summary, poor design, poor maintenance, poor ethic, don't buy from Samsung! it is going down hill.

    zshek from cn 23 Mar 2009, 08:27 - Denuncia
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Do not buy SAMSUNG cell phone, especially in Belgium...

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