How Long for Cohabitation Visa

  • Hello everyone,

    I am getting ready to go meet my partner in Belgium and from there we will register our partnership and apply for a cohabitation visa.
    Can someone tell me how long it usually takes to get the visa approved from someone from the US and a Belgian? If I have 3 months on a tourist visa, what are the chances that I will have to leave?

    And at what point can you work with the visa? I've had a few job interviews, but keep hearing the same thing -- you're qualified and we like you but you have to be a EU or EFTA member. It's difficult. Any advice recommended as I, like most of us probably, am not rich and must work.

    Dank je wel!

    Sara 26 Mag 2009, 06:12 - Denuncia
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Cohabitation Visa

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