hello from the future

  • well I know this article was written long ago, but some people are still coming across it, just like I did today.

    I am not learning French, but Russian. 7 years after I began, I can still not speak in Russian.

    I'm sure you've all done better than I.

    I do have one bit of advice so noone follows my path happy After the first 5 years I was still at beginner level. I finally made my way to intermediate level in the 6th year.

    My problem is I refused to formally study grammar rules...now I feel like such a fool.

    ONE EVENING....one evening mapping out the grammar rules, and then setting a grammar chart in front of you....thats all you need to do.

    It seems all the language 'geniuses' intuitively understand this, but alas...I somehow didn't get it until late in the game.

    I will be fluent in Russian, I can now watch movies and follow the plot. I make constant mistakes if I try to talk, but at long last I'm tracking down every grammar rule...maybe I can report success in another year

    Robert 04 Gen 2009, 07:48 - Denuncia
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