re: the southerner

  • I disagree that Southerners are more friendly.

    Yes, they are more quick to make polite meaningless conversation like "how are you?", but it ends there. They are very reluctant to make a real friendship, open up anything intimate about themselves etc.

    Very cliquey.

    This is that way in most of America I'm afraid. People are scared to make any commitment to anyone, especially of time. They feel they are always too busy.

    It's tough, even for an American. You have to make a big effort and expect to fail a lot of times.

    Invite them to do something specific and like now or tomorrow or forget about it. Everyone here likes to plan something for 3 weeks away so they can find an excuse to get out of it.

    M L 12 6월 2009, 06:11 - 욕설 보고
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Why is it so hard to make friends in the US?

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