Travel To Vietnam

  • Hello Vietnam!!
    Remember Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider? Did you know that Angkor Wat is one of the most beautiful ancient ruins on earth? And, in case you're not good at geography, this magnificent structure resides in a humble country called Cambodia, which is near Vietnam.

    Vietnam's tourism industry is slowly but surely picking up over the years. Known for it's scenic natural views, it's one place nature lovers must not miss. As a matter of fact, I am doing a bit of research on Vietnam tours as I intend to travel Vietnam, either by tour or backpacking sometime next year (well, I need to save enough money for the trip!).

    I'm trying to find a package that allows me to tour Vietnam and Cambodia, and perhaps Laos as well. There are many tour options and there are also cruises as well for those who wish to visit the famous Halong Bay. I think it's good to know a little about the country you plan to visit. Beside tourist spots, I think it is good to know a little about the people and the culture just so you know what to expect. If you're looking for travel information like language and literature; climate and weather; currency etc. try checking out

    This site has a whole list of nice hotels for you to choose alphabetical order! I'm trying my luck to find Hotel vietnam but it's not on the list..perhaps such hotel does not exist *shrugs* Anyway, it's still a very resourceful web site since the hotels and resorts it features comes with star ratings, price rates and a brief review. By the way, you can also search for Flight vietnam information. There's even a section where you can chat with the team's professional travel experts via MSN, Skype and Yahoo Messenger. 30 Июл 2008, 04:35 - Report
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Vietnam - 6 reasons to travel to

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