Who are we? Where are we going?

  • I am not from SA but I need to share. You have a beautiful country. You are all beautiful people! White or Black, Black or White. But you are ALL forgetting something, you are ALL missing the bigger picture. This is God's country not yours, You all belong to him - God. It's a fact. And your lives that you live trying to push to the top! Stop and think. And I bet this is what you say "What is my purpose?" Am I right. Well I have news for you and I ask that you think long and hard on it. YOUR LIFE IS NOT YOUR PURPOSE, YOUR LIFE IS GOD'S PURPOSE! Sit back think and do every action, word, everything as you think God would approve. I have friends to are from SA and moved. They are white, but they could not take the battles and they could not just "live".

    Everyone leave - I will share and enjoy your country - GOD'S COUNTRY! 20 Nov 2008, 11:30 - Report
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Racism against white people in South Africa

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