Swiss friends?

  • After 20 years in Switzerland, I would say it is surprisingly easy to find a Swiss girlfriend more or less on the spot (even without internet) but I do find it impossible to find a Swiss friend. What have I tried? The Swiss alpine Club, snowshoe hiking club, different courses at Migros and Volkshochschule, fitness training at ETH-ASVZ, different courses at ETH-ASVZ, going out to some bars and cafes. The funny thing is also that when the opportunity allowed I have tried to reach out, be friendly and smiled but many times it just has caused confusion (and I think even suspicion) !!? I guess it is the culture. I am from northern Europe, white, have higher education, speak german quite fluently and understand Swiss German.

    Giveitup. 30 Jan 2009, 11:47 - Report
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Why is it so hard to make friends in Switzerland?

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