Belgians are not that bad

  • Hi, Its true that Belgians are not very open to new people, but don't worry this has nothing to do with racist issues, they are really closed even to new Belgian people. What I mean by this is that is your are at a party for exaple, they will stick to the group of people they know, and not be willing to talk to people they've never seen before.
    However, there is something good....with time and in a common environment (courses, sports, etc) it is possible to develop a nice friendship, and these friends there will be not many but they will be the best your can find.
    I live one year and 3 months here. I studied a master degree (just finished in July) and I got on well with all my classmates, but specially I met my 3 best friends.

    Regarding the "job" question, it is true that it will be difficult. My Belgian classmates got a job after sending 4 to 5 application letters, but it took me more than 25 applications to find a job, specially because I don't speak the french and my dutch is still pretty basic. But there are companies where foreigners are accepted. At the end I had 2 job offers to choose from, and now I'm happily working with an indefinite contract.
    good luck

    Lizeth 22 sep 2008, 04:43 - Denunciar
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Why is it so hard to make friends in Belgium?

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