
  • Hallo!!

    Im really surprised with all that I had read in this web site. Im mexican, my boyfriend is Belgian, now I had visit Belgium two times and my impression of the people there is very diferent. Of course I was introduce with all his friends as his girlfriend and I can understand that this help, but I can say in this moment that the persons whom I had meet in Belgium are very nice, even the girls in the shop or in the bakery, butcher's shop, drugstore, everyone very opened, friendly etc. I think that in the relationship there some rules:

    1.- Talking about interaction we must to think that there are two or more persons, the important is: what is your attitude in front of new pesons?? As you think that yourself as the people can see.
    2.- Never have general ideas about persons. Around the world, Mexico, Belgica, Estados Unidos, wherever!! There good, bad, stupids, opended, extrovert, introverted, enterteining, bored people!! Someones with a different tastes than others. These are not exclusive characteristics of the persons just because belonging to certain country.
    3.- The lenguage could a problem. Absolutly. But think about it. If you are thinking to make a life in a country diferent, dont think that the minimun thing that you must to do is learn the lenguage??? Not because the beligians dont want to talk with me if I dont speak vlaams or frech, but because of me!!!
    4.- Culture. Everycountry has a culture. How is possible dont think in culture in a country that have centuries of history!! Por Dios! Just give a view in the big and beautifuls cathedrals, the small houses, the paved streets, the beautiful paintings, the whole sacred art!!
    5.- Grey and empty. I had seen amazing landscapes and big speces to feel to myself free and with possibility to grown up. Perfect convination between natura and modern life.

    I think that everybody can have diferent opinions about the things that have and recieve in the life, that depends of the experience of life, where you come from and what you are looking for. But in my case Im completly in love of my belgian guy and start to fall in love of his beautiful contry and his people.

    PD. Im still loyal to my Mexico querido, lleno de colores, fiesta y calor humano.

    Diana Mendez 09 dic 2008, 08:18 - Denunciar
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Why is it so hard to make friends in Belgium?

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